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Studies say eating vegetables doesn’t protect your heart, but critics disagree

Studies say eating vegetables doesn’t protect your heart, but critics disagree


This results in a new analysis of the diet of approximately 400,000 British adults published in the journal on Monday. Nutrition frontier It’s rather amazing. Eating vegetables, especially cooked vegetables, does not reduce your risk of heart disease over time.

“Our large study found no evidence of a protective effect on vegetable intake against the development of CVD (cardiovascular disease),” Qi Feng, an epidemiologist at the University of Oxford’s Nafield Department of Population Health, said in a statement. It was. ”

Studies have shown that eating raw vegetables can prevent heart disease, but cooked vegetables do not. When researchers took into account lifestyle factors such as physical activity, education level, smoking, drinking, fruit intake, lean and processed meat consumption, and the use of mineral and vitamin supplements, the benefits disappeared.

“Instead, our analysis shows that the apparent protective effect of vegetable intake on CVD risk is very likely to be explained by biases associated with socioeconomic status and lifestyle differences. “I will.” Feng said.

Not so fast, critics say

Don’t start celebrating yet, I hate vegetables. British and US experts quickly made exceptions to the conclusions of the study.

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“This study found that eating more vegetables does not reduce the risk of heart or cardiovascular disease, taking into account other lifestyles and other factors, but it does eat vegetables. It doesn’t mean that you should stop, “said Victoria Taylor. In his statement, a senior nutritionist at the British Heart Foundation.

“There is good evidence that eating fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables, can help you lose weight and improve the levels of risk factors known to cause heart disease. Current observational studies do so. Evidence cannot be overcome and the conclusions can be argued since the author. It is possible that we have over-adjusted the factors that cause low vegetable intake. ” Naveed Sattar, a professor of cardiovascular and metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, said in a statement.

“The results are not surprising. Choosing a single ingredient and adding it to your diet may not have the desired effect, for example vegetables,” said the Institute of Cardiovascular Nutrition, Tufts University. Alice Lichtenstein, director and senior scientist, said. He told CNN by email.

Lichtenstein, a professor of nutrition science and policy at Tufts University, said:

5 tablespoons of vegetables

In this survey UK BiobankA longitudinal study of nearly 500,000 British adults designed to investigate how genetics and the environment contribute to many common illnesses.

At the beginning of the study, people were asked how many raw and cooked vegetables they ate, and then followed for over 10 years to see if they had heart disease.

On average, people in the UK study reported eating an average of 5 cups of vegetables daily-that’s only 71 grams or one-third of a cup. About 2.5 tablespoons were raw vegetables and the other 3 were cooked.

“It’s very few,” said Dr. Andrew Freeman, Co-Chair of the American College of Cardiology. Nutrition and lifestyle workgroup.

UK Dietary Guidelines Request 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables a day. Each part weighs about 80 grams (1 cup), for a total of 5 cups a day.
In the United States Dietary guidelines More specifically, it is recommended that most adults eat at least 1.5-2 cups of fruit and 2-3 cups of vegetables daily as part of a healthy diet. Converting a cup to a tablespoon, a healthy intake of vegetables contains up to 48 cups of vegetables daily.

“It’s a tablespoon,” Freeman said. “So the question is, if these people in the study were eating such very small amounts of vegetables, what else were they eating, and how confusing these results were?”

Gunter Kuhnle, A professor of nutrition at the University of Reading, UK, also pointed out the impact of the choice of alternative foods.

“People who don’t eat vegetables need to eat something else-and when estimating the health effects of eating vegetables, it’s important to consider what they replace,” Kuhnle said. Said in a statement.

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“Replacement of sugar confectionery with carrot sticks can improve health and has a beneficial effect on CVD risk, not whole grain snacks with carrots,” he said.

What’s the way for people who eat (and hate) vegetables?

“This is a very interesting study, but it shouldn’t be used as a good reason to stop eating vegetables,” Kuhnle said.

“The best advice we can give people is to focus on their entire diet, what foods to emphasize, and what to minimize,” Lichtenstein said. “In general, the data are rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, and the beneficial effects of dietary patterns with relatively low sugar and salt additions. I think we still support. “




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