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Moderna targets herpes zoster with expanded mRNA pipeline

Moderna targets herpes zoster with expanded mRNA pipeline


No vaccine is currently approved for HSV.For shingles, Pfizer too Vaccine development..Both mRNA pioneers want to offer vaccines with higher efficacy and more efficient manufacturing processes than current vaccines.

Both HSV and VZV are latent viruses that can remain in the body after infection and cause lifelong medical conditions. Moderna is currently developing five vaccine candidates for latent viruses. New targets are added to vaccines against cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said:: “We are committed to combating latent viruses with the goal of preventing lifelong medical conditions caused by the mRNA vaccine program. ..

“With candidates for HSV and VZV vaccines, we want to improve the quality of life for people with symptomatic diseases. ..

“We look forward to exploring whether vaccination can induce PD-L1 and IDO1-specific T cells with our new checkpoint cancer vaccine. ..

“Our research team is working on additional mRNA candidates and we look forward to sharing them in the future.”..


Herpes simplex virus vaccine candidate (mRNA-1608)..

mRNA-1608 is a vaccine candidate for HSV-2 disease and mainly infects the genitals. However, Moderna predicts that the vaccine will provide cross-protection against HSV-1 and can also infect the mouth and face.

Both viruses can establish a lifelong latent infection within nearby sensory neurons, from which the skin can be reactivated and reinfected.

In the United States, approximately 18.6 million adults between the ages of 18 and 49 are infected with HSV-2. Globally, about 5% of the population between the ages of 18 and 49 are HSV-2 seropositive.

“There is a significant burden of illness due to HSV genital infections.”Pay attention to Moderna. “”Diagnosed, Symptomatic genital herpes causes a decline in quality of life, but antiviral drugs (current standard treatment) only partially recover...

“Moderna hopes that the HSV vaccine will have the same effect as suppressive antiviral treatment, potentially improving compliance and quality of life.”..

Varicella-zoster virus vaccine candidate (mRNA-1468)..

mRNA-1468 is designed to express the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein E (gE) to reduce the incidence of shingles (shingles). Shingles occurs in one of three adults in a lifetime, and the incidence increases dramatically at about 50 years of age. When the elderly’s immunity is weakened, their immunity to VZV is weakened, allowing the virus to be reactivated from latently infected neurons, causing painful and itchy lesions.Moderna ReleasePreclinical data on the mRNA vaccine encoding the VZVgE antigen.

VZV causes shingles. Severe shingles complications include postherpetic neuralgia (10-13% of shingles cases), bacterial coinfection, cranial and peripheral palsy. 1 to 4% of HZ cases are hospitalized for complications. The severity of the disease, including postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), and the likelihood of complications also increase with age.

The incidence of herpes zoster has increased from 0.76 per 1000 man-years from 1945 to 1949 to 7.2 per 1000 man-years in 2016.

Checkpoint cancer vaccine (mRNA-4359)..

mRNA-4359 expresses indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) and programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) antigens. Moderna designed mRNA-4359 to stimulate inhibitory immune cells that express target antigens and effector T cells that target and kill tumor cells. The company plans to investigate the initial indications for advanced or metastatic cutaneous melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer diagnosis in the United States. It accounts for 5.3% of all new cancer diagnoses and 1.5% of all cancer-related deaths.

Cutaneous melanoma is a cancer that begins in the melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) of the skin. When diagnosed at the local stage, the 5-year survival rate is about 95%. However, for local or metastatic disease (stage IIIB +), the 5-year survival rate drops to about 30-60%. In the United States, approximately 18,000 new patients have been diagnosed with stage IIIB + cutaneous melanoma. Advanced melanoma is a rare and serious type of skin cancer that causes most skin cancer-related deaths, even though it accounts for only 1% of skin cancer cases. Current standard of care pembrolizumab, nivolumab, or a combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab.

NSCLC is not detected frequently and remains asymptomatic until later stages. Approximately 115,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with metastatic NSCLC or progression to metastatic disease each year.




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