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Echo Chamber-19 Vaccine Misinformation on Social Media Spreading COVID: Research

Echo Chamber-19 Vaccine Misinformation on Social Media Spreading COVID: Research


The World Health Organization cites vaccine hesitation as one of the greatest threats to global health, says a study conducted on why people hesitate to take COVID-19 jab.

The World Health Organization cites vaccine hesitation as one of the greatest threats to global health, says a study conducted on why people hesitate to take COVID-19 jab.

Incorrect information on social media Vaccine controversy One study creates a false image of the pros and cons of jabs.

The World Health Organization (WHO) lists vaccine hesitation as one of the greatest threats to global health.

“If vaccine supporters frequently refer to news media and scientific sites when sharing their knowledge about vaccines on Twitter, profiles belonging to the Vaccine Control Profile go to sites known to spread YouTube videos and fake news. It turns out that we share much more of the links. Conspiracy theory. ” Bjarke Monsted of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) said.

“Vaccine opponent profiles often link to commercial sites that sell alternative medicine products. This is surprising given that vaccine hesitation often results from fears of financial conflict of interest. That’s what it should be, “said Monstead.

Earlier studies have shown that people who make a lot of money from the global sale of alternative medicine products are responsible for false information about vaccines, according to Monstead.

New research recently published in the journal PLoS ONEAnalyzing about 60 billion tweets written before the COVID-19 pandemic to understand where vaccine discussions are taking place on Twitter today. Vaccine controversy on social media.

Using a newly developed method in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) called “deep learning and natural language processing,” DTU’s Monsted and Sune Lehmann said in a particular tweet which view of the vaccine was expressed. I taught you a computer to identify.

They consistently expressed a strong view of provaxx or antivaxx for the vaccine and identified users whose profile shared vaccine information from that source.

The findings show that 22.5% of antivaxx-profiles vaccine tweets are linked to YouTube videos.

Next, I grouped the sources into five categories. Sites known for sharing pseudoscience and conspiracy theory, news sites, social media, YouTube, and commercial sites related to medicine and health.

This study confirms the echo chamber effect, making it difficult for vaccine proponents and opponents to meet each other’s opinions on the Internet. Social media algorithms are to ensure that people interact with others who agree with their opinions.

“We have found that the sources that people publish on social networks are heavily dependent on their own attitudes towards vaccines,” Monsted said.

“The more users expressed resistance to the vaccine, the farther away the media photos they were exposed to from the circle of friends,” the researchers said.

Researchers have pointed out that when it comes to avoiding medical misinformation, the responsibility lies not only with the tech giant, but also with the media.

Lehman hopes that this new method will give a deeper understanding of the pandemic and future vaccine debate.

“Our study covers the pre-COVID-19 period, and there is no doubt that vaccines have been talked about in a whole new way in the last two years,” Lehman added.




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