Welsh vulnerable people will be offered a fourth Covid jab
![Welsh vulnerable people will be offered a fourth Covid jab Welsh vulnerable people will be offered a fourth Covid jab](
The most vulnerable people in Wales will be offered a fourth Covid booster.
Eluned Morgan, Minister of Health of the Government of Wales, said the fourth Covid booster will be offered this spring to adults aged 75 and over, residents living in nursing homes for the elderly, and people aged 12 and over who are immunosuppressed. Said.
This follows the recommendation of JCVI, a UK advisory body, and the same announcement from the UK Government Minister, Sajid Javid, on February 21st.
“The elderly are also the furthest in time from the last vaccination,” said Mrs. Morgan, because the elderly were given the jab first.
Health committee is already planning Deploy jabs to everyone aged 5-11.
“The Health Commission has already planned to provide vaccines to all people aged 5 to 11 since mid-March, and the need to prioritize spring boosters for the most vulnerable during this time. We also take into account, “she said.
Mrs. Morgan said: “As we know, vaccination is the best action people can take to protect themselves from Covid-19. All vaccines given keep Wales safe. As part of the latest review of the Vaccination Program, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunity (JCVI) today issued a statement recommending additional spring booster doses for the most vulnerable individuals. ..
“As a preventive strategy, the Commission recommended a second booster in the spring for adults aged 75 and over. People living in elderly care facilities and individuals aged 12 and over who are immunosuppressed (Green Book). ).
“In making this recommendation, they reviewed data available in the UK and internationally, which is due to the reduced ability of the immune system to respond effectively to infectious diseases and vaccines. Suggests that you are more likely to experience a weakened immune system and much more likely to experience a serious illness if infected.
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“In fact, the elderly are also the farthest in time from the last vaccination because vaccination was prioritized at the start of the Covid-19 vaccine program. I accept this advice and plan when I can do it. We asked the committee to start the deployment. The health committee has already planned to provide vaccines to all people aged 5 to 11 years after mid-March and is the most vulnerable at this time. It also takes into account the need to prioritize spring boosters for people. “
She states: “Winter is the season when the Covid-19 threat is the greatest season for both individuals and the health community, and for long-term planning purposes, JCVI also suggests that the Fall 2022 vaccination program will be applied to people. Those at high risk of severe Covid-19, such as the elderly and clinical risk groups. Accurate details of the fall program will be available at a later stage. As the COVID-19 epidemic continues, the UK So JCVI will continue to review the vaccination program and appreciate the expert advice.
“We continue to develop a successful booster program, but it’s never too late for anyone who needs a first, second, or booster dose vaccination. The Health Commission may accept the offer. We are actively following up on those who couldn’t. As always, we are very grateful for the continued efforts of everyone involved in the NHS and vaccination programs. “
Earlier in the day, Javid said:
“We know that immunity to Covid-19 begins to decline over time, so we provide spring boosters to ensure that people at high risk of serious Covid-19 maintain a high level of protection. It is important for everyone to get a top-up jab as soon as they qualify.
“JCVI will continue to consider whether the booster program should be extended to more risky groups. This is a national mission. Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones. I I urge you to get your jab as soon as possible. If you haven’t got a booster yet, go to Get Boosted Now. “
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