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There will never be another Paul Farmer

There will never be another Paul Farmer


When I learned that Paul Farmer had died this morning, I first thought of his wife Didi and her three children. I thought of his colleagues, and everyone who was saved or changed for the better by him. And, thanks to Paul, I thought about all the people who knew and care about the health of the world.

Paul was a hero and I was fortunate to be able to call him a friend.We’ve crossed the road at various meetings over the years, but it’s only when I really started to hang out with him. Journey to Kanji, A small town in central Haiti with Melinda in 2005.We were there to visit the clinic operated by Health partnerA great organization co-founded by Paul (and proud to be supported by our Foundation). At that time, PIH provided world-class medical care to people in Haiti, Peru and Russia, but has since expanded to eight more countries. Paul is the chair of Harvard University’s Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, devoting his life to providing quality medical care to the poorest people in the world.

I have visited many local clinics through my work with the Foundation. I’m always amazed by the remarkable devoted people who work for them, but Paul was special even among such peers.

He was able to connect with patients in exceptional ways for any doctor, especially for a flashy white man from Berkshire who works in the countryside of Haiti. He was a teacher who loved to educate his students, whether he was a future doctor studying at Harvard Medical School or a community health worker trained at one of the PIH clinics. But what always stands out about Paul has always been a single focus on helping people in the poorest countries in the world.

In Tracy Kidder’s book Mountain beyond the mountainIf you want to know more about Paul’s career, this isn’t highly recommended, but there’s a story about a young child in Peru where Paul and his team treated drug-resistant tuberculosis. After the boy was discharged, his mother approached Paul to thank him on his way home in the car. Paul replied in Spanish, “For me, it’s a privilege.”

He was less happier than when he was caring for a patient at one of the clinics he created. I didn’t know anyone who was passionate about reducing the worst health inequality in the world, or who did more to live by his values.

Even as Paul’s reputation as a global health hero grew, his focus was never shaken by helping people on earth directly. He was a humble man and had never been interested in getting attention unless he made the lives of the people he served better. He remembers meeting one of his patients during his first visit to Haiti. The woman spoke Creole, so Paul had to translate for us. At one point she apparently started a long story about him. I could hear the word “Docte Paul” mentioned several times. When she was done, I turned to Paul and asked what she said. He secretly replied, “A little obligatory praise for me.”

Paul sought the spotlight only when he emphasized inequality and learned that he had the opportunity to speak with the next generation of global health leaders. He has made many graduation speeches over the years, and I think he is the reason why so many young people have entered public health careers. He is one of the most exciting people I have ever met. His inspirational abilities were one of the reasons Melinda and I brought the kids when we visited Paul in Haiti in 2014.

His work was a joy in his life, but he was a wonderful person to be around even after hours. I remember visiting his modest house in Haiti, where he had a lovely garden that he was proud of. One of my favorite Paul stories happened when I visited the PIH facility in Rwanda. After the meeting was over, we decided to visit a nearby mountain to see the gorillas, but Paul didn’t have a change of clothes. He never forgets the image of Paul trekking on a steep foggy hillside, wearing a suit and tie.

There will never be another Paul Farmer. I miss him. I am relieved to know that his influence will be felt over the next few decades. His work continues through Partners in Health and is taken over by many who have been trained and inspired by him.

But in the end, Paul’s most lasting influence was that he loved all the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, etc. who live today because Paul dedicated his life to helping them. Seen in patients. I can’t imagine any more amazing heritage.




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