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Infertility treatment increases the risk of heart and pregnancy complications, studies say

Infertility treatment increases the risk of heart and pregnancy complications, studies say


“Maternal aging-specifically, over 35 years of age-risk of developing conditions such as chronic hypertension that has an increase or increases the risk of pregnancy complications” Research author Dr. Pensée Wu, Staffordshire of Wen, Senior Lecturer of Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Keele University School of Medicine in the United Kingdom and an honorary consultant obstetrician and subspecialist.

A study published on Tuesday, American Heart Association MagazineThe baby compared deliveries of more than 106,000 devised with assisted reproductive technology to more than 34 million births devised without such assistance.

Studies have been found that women who used fertility treatment had many existing health conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and they were often obese when they started treatment.

Females who used assisted reproductive technology to become pregnant were 2.5 times more at risk than 65% for acute renal failure and arrhythmias. They were also at a 57% risk of placental abruption when the placenta left the lining of the uterus before delivery.Females were also more than 38% more likely to require a Caesarean section Distribution, 26% possibility that the baby has premature birth.

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There was a limitation in the study, it was that they were not comparing different fertility treatments “The important difference,” said via email, Chicago’s Endocrinology of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Expert Dr. Seagull Klipstein. She is not involved in her research.

“For women who need multiple cycles of imagination and IVF (in vitro fertilization), all the women who need a short course of fertility medication are grouped together in this study,” Klipstein, Obstetrics and Gynecology. A liaison member of an American university said the ethical “committee.

“There may be significant differences between groups based on fertility treatment, length of treatment, and the type of time between treatment and concept,” she said.

There was an increased risk for women who were not receiving fertility treatment even when they had nothing Of the existing symptoms of heart disease, The study has also discovered.
Women who received fertility treatment, in order to control the risk factors for heart disease, it should cooperate closely with doctors.

“Assisted reproductive technology was independently associated with these complications, as opposed to being the only one in existing health or among older women who received the only infertility treatment. We were surprised, “Wu said.

The findings did not surprise Klipstein. “It’s often basic infertility, and fertility treatment, which is associated with good consequences.”

She pointed out the PCOS, or polycystic ovary Syndrome, a hormonal disorder common in women. It is also a major cause of infertility and comes with an increased lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. Women with PCOS are more than seven times more likely to suffer from a heart attack, she said.

“According to this study, one in five women entered a pregnancy with a history of cardiovascular risk factors,” said Klipstein, who could raise it. Health is a risk for women She carries her child, offers and so on.

In her view, Klipstein said the main message of the study is that if possible, women need to deal with any risk factor for heart disease before pregnancy. Women can focus on lowering high blood pressure in losing weight and getting their cholesterol under control, she said.

She added, “take home message is, doctors advice, they are regardless of whether they have a history of infertility, about the risks associated with pregnancy, all with cardiovascular risk factors that might be in the pregnancy of the existing women, is that there is a need. “




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