Boris Johnson removes the remaining COVID restrictions in the UK
London — UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged the possibility of a new and more deadly variant of the virus on Monday, but the last domestic in the UK, including requirements for self-isolation of people with COVID-19 Coronavirus restrictions have been abolished.
Johnson told the House of Commons lawmakers that the country is “shifting from government restrictions to personal responsibility” as part of its treatment plan. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Like other infectious diseases such as influenza.
He said it marked the end of “two of the darkest and most tragic years in our peacetime history.”
“Today is not the day we can declare victory over COVID, because the virus will not go away,” Johnson said in a television press conference. “But it is the day that all the efforts of the last two years have finally made it possible to protect ourselves while fully restoring our freedom.”
Johnson has confirmed that forced self-quarantine of people with COVID-19 will end on Thursday and regular tracking of the contacts of infected people will cease. If you are ill, you will be advised to stay at home, but you will not receive additional financial support.
Monday’s announcement applies only to the UK, where 56 million of the UK’s 67 million live. It leaves the United Kingdom with less restrictions than most other European countries except Denmark.
Many people in the UK who think they are infected with COVID-19 may no longer know for sure. Beginning April 1, the laboratory-confirmed virus PCR test will be available free of charge only to the elderly and those with weakened immunity. The government will also stop offering free and quick virus tests, but they will be available for purchase.
Still, the government emphasized that the pandemic is not over and the virus can still bring nasty surprises. “The new variants are definitely present and are very likely to be worse than the current predominant strain, Omicron,” Johnson said.
Johnson said that fact Queen Elizabeth II tested positive for COVID-19 On Sunday, it reminded me that the virus is still widespread. Buckingham Palace stated that the 95-year-old monarch is experiencing mild cold-like symptoms.
Government plans predict that vaccines and treatments will continue to control the virus. A fourth vaccination is provided to all people over the age of 75, and people over the age of 12 are more susceptible to severe illness.
Some scientists have said that removing all restrictions is a dangerous move that could lead to a surge in infections and weaken the country’s defenses against more virulent future strains.
The government insisted on maintaining valuable surveillance to check for symptoms, such as infectious disease investigations conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics. It also states that it will maintain the ability to enhance testing as needed.
Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, said the prevalence of the virus was still “very high” and urged people to continue to quarantine if they were infected with COVID-19.
“People should try to prevent others from getting infected with COVID, even if they have COVID, which means self-isolation,” he said.
Opposition Labor leader Keir Starmer said the government’s “half-hearted” approach would leave Britain vulnerable.
“‘Ignorance is bliss’ is not a responsible approach to deadly viruses,” Starmer said.
Johnson’s conservative government Most virus restrictions lifted in JanuaryIn most environments except UK hospitals, the venue’s vaccine passport will be discarded and the mask obligation will be terminated. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which have their own public health rules, have also been slowly released.
The combination of high vaccination rates and milder Omicron variants in the UK meant that deregulation last month did not lead to a surge in hospitalizations and deaths. Although both are declining, the UK still has the highest coronavirus infection rate in Europe after Russia, with more than 161,000 deaths recorded.
In the UK, 85% of people over the age of 12 have been vaccinated twice, and almost two-thirds have received a third booster.
The announcement on Monday was backed by many Conservative lawmakers who claimed that the restrictions were inefficient and unbalanced.It-and critics say-designed to strengthen Johnson’s position among party lawmakers pondering attempts to drive him out in scandals, including Johnson. Political party that violates the blockade During a pandemic.
However, some scientists have warned that ending support for people to test and quarantine would have the greatest impact on the poor.
Trisha Greenhalgh, a professor of primary care and health services at Oxford University, said:
“Learning to live with COVID does not mean pretending that it is less prevalent or that the virus is no longer dangerous,” she said.
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