BLM protest hotspot prepares for new COVID outbreak
THe caused civil unrest throughout the country, including the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer last week At least 16 states We still report an increased number of daily cases of the deadly novel coronavirus.
As a public health expert Fear new outbreak It could exacerbate the number of people infected and deepen the racial disparities of those who are severely ill with the virus,” policymakers said they began preparing for that possibility from Texas to Pennsylvania. ..
As of Thursday afternoon, the virus killed more than 107,685 Americans and infected 1,861,966. This week, the White House’s Anti-Coronavirus Committee was in a hurry to track the potential impact of protests on infection rates. According to the Associated Press, Allegedly feared that the increase in incidents could delay President Trump’s efforts to rebuild the economy, or could shake voters in November.
Widespread police atrocities video Protester, journalist,and Even healthcare professionals— Circulated from New York to Austin. And have a public health professional Repeatedly warned of danger to the congregation In the midst of a changing global pandemic Please note that demonstrators arriving in prisons or hospitals may face even more difficult situations. As one public health expert told The Daily Beast earlier this week, “care must be taken to ensure that racial injustice is not exacerbated by health injustice.”
Clay Jenkins, a judge in Dallas County, is working to reduce this risk on Thursday as local public health officials in northern Texas install a mobile inspection unit in downtown downtown near the protest site. Said. According to Jenkins, these will work this week and need to provide at least 1,000 additional diagnostic kits per day.
“We encourage protesters to take the test,” Jenkins said. “Through our partnership with Dallas Mavericks, we have provided protest leaders and Dallas police with masks and disinfectants to encourage protesters to stay 6 feet away. Provided county property.
Texas took a serious fever for that Infamous rushed resumption planDespite the criticism of public health and the stormy waves in the highly populated areas of the state. Dallas County on Wednesday reported Seven consecutive days Over 200 new COVID-19 case overnights. That same day, Governor Abbott announced Texas bars, offices, non-critical manufacturing plants and gyms are up and running with 50% capacity. Dallas County reached a new peak just 24 hours ago, killing 16 people. This is the largest county of the day since the pandemic began.
“When people are mixing without precautions, it’s an unforgivable virus.“
for reference, Local news outlet In Dallas and nearby Fort Worth, hundreds of demonstrators report protesting almost every day for a week and hours. Meanwhile, the biggest protest In houston It swelled to 60,000 on Tuesday.
“We’re trying to fight a pandemic, and it doesn’t know the season, it doesn’t know baseball,” said Dr. Umair Shah, executive director of the Public Health Department in Harris County. Harris is the third largest county in the United States, with 13,268 confirmed cases and 241 deaths from the coronavirus as of Thursday. “If people are mixed without precautions, it’s a virus that is unacceptable.”
“We fully support the right to protest and vote, which is in contrast to our recommendations we have provided to the community,” Shah said. Suggested using a noise maker rather than singing or singing. Then be sure to take the test.
Shah explained that it’s not just protests and marches that could cause an increase in COVID transmissions, attending graduation ceremonies and visiting reopened bars, gyms, restaurants and cinemas. Listed the residents. It is the overlapping of these activities that Shah is worried about, telling Daily Beast. He has recently seen an increase in hospitalization, with the exception of the march, which is not optimal when the possible resurrection is on the horizon.
So slate Reported earlier this weekAfter several media outlets, including the Daily Beast, reported on the possibility of a new wave of protest-driven coronaviruses, it seems as if protests need to stay home to stay responsible social distance In, most of the discussion was assembled. In fact, some public health experts interviewed this week by The Daily Beast warned that the risk of attending such an event could have serious implications at both the individual and community level. did.
“Peaceful protest is a typical part of creating a more complete union, but we want to keep people safe.“
But to counter that story, a group of infectious disease experts at the University of Washington Open letter On Sunday, they said, “A protest against systemic racism, which contributes to the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on the Black Community and further perpetuates police violence, must be supported by public health leaders.” Insisted. According to the letter, the protest also points to “the most important public health issue of widespread racism.”
“We express our solidarity and appreciation to demonstrators who are already at significant personal risk for defending their own health, community health, and US public health,” said 1,000. A letter signed by more than one person said doctors, epidemiologists, medical students, and public health professionals.
As has been done documentation In the last few months, black Americans have been more vulnerable to COVID-19 and have experienced the unbalanced effects of the virus. “Popularly, blacks are about three times more likely to die from COVID-19,” writes Rashawn Ray, a David M. Rubenstein Fellow of Governance Studies. In the Brookings Research GroupIn a new 106-page report on the resumption of the United States, “Blacks account for about 80% of coronavirus cases in some cities and states nationwide.”
“Structural conditions undermine existing health and increase the chances that blacks will be exposed to COVID-19, contract, and die,” Rei continued, and blacks are more likely to engage in essential jobs. , Densely populated areas with less recreational space for physical activity and less access to hospitals and emergency medical clinics.
“If you suspect you have come in contact with COVID-19 positives, you will need to self-quarantine, monitor your symptoms and, if necessary, seek treatment.“
However, although many public health professionals understand and even support some protests, they City leaders have sought individual diligence Regarding virus protection.
“Peaceful protest is a typical part of creating a more perfect union, but we want to keep people safe,” Judge Jenkins of Dallas said. “You are not invincible from a virus just because you are young, but even if you are, you can bring it back to Nana.”
Lawrence Gostin-Directs the O’Neill National and World Health Law Institute at Georgetown University and the National and International Center for Health and Law Cooperation of the World Health Organization-I told The Daily Beast earlier this week For policymakers, community-based random testing is the best way to create a new outbreak early warning system.
Jenkins said Thursday that he hopes the City of Dallas will be able to carry out this kind of effort in the coming days or weeks, along with mobile units, free masks and disinfectants. In any case, Jenkins said that if a new outbreak were detected, it would take weeks before it became clear whether it was linked to a protest. It may take a few days for a person to start showing COVID symptoms, and it may take a longer time to access the test.
And Texas is certainly not the only one in an increasingly complex public health crisis.
The Georgia Department of Public Health’s communications director Nancy Naydam told Daily Beast on Thursday that officials were “concerned about social distance guidelines and large gatherings not following the use of face covers and masks.” Those who want to be tested to schedule an appointment on the site, regardless of whether they have symptoms, said the authorities said they are asking someone. Especially if they recently participated in a protest.
According to the report, more than 300 demonstrators were arrested over the weekend during protests by hundreds of people in Atlanta over a period of days. Atlanta Journal Constitution.. As of Thursday afternoon, Georgia had 48,894 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 2,123 dead.
“If you think you’ve come in contact with people who are positive for COVID-19, you’ll need to do self-quarantine and symptom monitoring, and call for treatment if needed,” Nydam said. “The incubation period for COVID-19 can be as long as 14 days, so it’s a bit early to know what the increase is,” said the department, “similar to the increase from the past week’s event. To monitor [monitored] Increases from large gatherings such as anniversary weekends. “
Daily case reports in California Over 3,000 times in the past week, by New York TimesThis was called the “new limit that the nation has never exceeded”. Mississippi reached a new peak on Saturday with 439 cases, while Arizona, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and twelve other states also reported rising trends. Time reported.. To that end, the White House Coronavirus Task Force This week allegedly Assist in gathering data, coordinating supplies and test kits, counseling states, and focusing on major metropolitan areas where protests have occurred.
In New York, the number of cases has been steadily declining after the horrific flood of infectious diseases, peaking in mid-April, with about 10,000 new cases per day. One resident working at multiple New York hospitals, including Kings County Hospital Center, told The Daily Beast Early this week He and his colleagues were overwhelmed by the fear of a lack of more personal protective equipment and had begun to set up outdoor tents in preparation for the possible surge of events following George Floyd’s protest. The resident demanded anonymity, fearing retaliation for his work against talking to the press. Requests for comments from Kings County Hospital Center, the mayor’s office, and the New York City Department of Health were not returned Thursday.
Last week there were dozens of protests with thousands attending across New York City, with more than 2,000 protesters being arrested in five of the city’s autonomous regions as of Thursday.
Of course, COVID risk is not just a hypothesis. was there Sporadic Protesters talk about having viral symptoms or confirmed cases who attended the demo anyway-sometimes in masks or when there is not enough social distance.
In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 22-year-old protester Julio Torres reportedly attended 250 demonstrators without facemasks on Monday after being diagnosed with COVID-19. Torres resisted riots, exacerbated police attacks, prosecution, and chaotic behavior Lancaster online..
“During arrest, (Torres) gave a positive response, were instructed to self-isolate, chose to participate or participate in the protest without proper social distance, and without a proper face mask, and It was discovered that they had endangered the people who were peacefully participating in protests and law enforcement.” Lancaster County President Judge David Ashworth said, In a local newspaper interview. “I am very concerned that public and law enforcement agencies are at risk.”
Prison Sheryl Steberger told the newspaper that prisons would take prisoners with their words about illness and could not force a test, but all prisoners entering the prison would be quarantined. It was.
Magi Mamma, Assistant Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Masji, said Thursday in a statement to Daily Beast that Governor Tom Wolf “supports the ability to protest peacefully.” Protect each other and take steps to protect each other. “
Mumma stressed that protesters should wear masks and be socially distanced when possible, but if they feel they have been exposed to a COVID-19 case during a Pennsylvania protest, Health Department Ready to support them..
“Our thorough Contact trace And test With Pennsylvania still open, we are confident that spreads can be further constrained and mitigated in the event of an outbreak,” Mumma said.
Meanwhile, the day before the killing of George Floyd, Minneapolis became the center of civil unrest, Minnesota mobilized According to the report, more than 400 interviewers and investigators tracking contacts in the state’s COVID-19 case, to prevent further spread, said: Star tribune.. Authorities are now worried that protest-related incidents will pose new challenges to contact tracers, as it will be difficult, if not impossible, to track everyone who was there.
Also, as of Tuesday, only 25,508 COVID-19 cases were confirmed by tests reported by the state health department. It is estimated to be close to 280,000 despite suspecting that up to 5% of the state’s population was infected. According to the newspaper..
About two-thirds of 1,000 demonstrators attended a rally on Monday night where Floyd died. TribuneAnd the next day, Minnesota began to advise doctors to test first responders, volunteers, and protesters, even if they had no symptoms of the infection. To that end, the state reportedly provided a $1.5 million contract to companies that agreed to increase minority participation in COVID-19 testing and contact tracking in 2020. Star tribune report.
The public health impact of massive civil unrest may not be evident anywhere today, according to experts who spoke to The Daily Beast on Thursday. But you’ll see right away.
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