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When we die, life may actually flash in front of us: research

When we die, life may actually flash in front of us: research


A new study examining the brain activity of an 87-year-old man who died of a heart attack in a hospital shows unexpected activity in the memory recovery area of ​​the brain, allowing organs to recreate important life events before we die. It was suggested that there was sex.

An international team of researchers, including scientists from Canada, China, the United States and Estonia, detailed their findings in a study published in the journal on Tuesday. Frontier of Aging Neuroscience..

Research states that the human brain activity after cardiac arrest and near-death experiences, which researchers call NDE, is not well understood. Postmortem brain activity is envisioned, but no previous studies have measured it during the process of death, the researchers said.

The man under study fell and developed a “traumatic subdural hematoma” and was taken to the hospital with blood pooling between the surface of the brain and the skull.

A man after a normal treatment process, such as removing a portion of the skull to reduce bleeding and pressure (craniotomy), while the doctor is performing an electroencephalogram (EEG) to track the electrical signals in the brain. Died.

In this study, we analyzed 900-second records divided into 30-second blocks before and after the male heart stopped beating, and focused on the changes in brain waves he experienced. This suggests that the brain continues to do some activity even after the blood has stopped flowing. ..

Researchers studying EEG have seen “brain vibrations,” or rhythmic patterns of brain activity, changes in alpha, gamma, delta, theta, and beta waves at the moment before and after death. .. It supports the “flashing life in front of you” metaphor found in popular culture.

In a healthy brain, the interaction of alpha and gamma brain waves is associated with cognitive processes such as dreams, meditation, information processing, and memory recall.

The findings suggest that complex interactions between low and high frequency bands of EEG occur after a gradual cessation of brain activity and continue until cerebral blood flow ceases after cardiac arrest. , The study said, similar neural activity was observed in rodents who experienced a heart attack.

“Given that the cross-coupling between alpha and gamma activities is involved in the cognitive process and memory recall of healthy subjects, the last” life “that such activity can occur near death. It is interesting to speculate that it may support “recollection”. Unlike previous reports, our study is the first to use a complete EEG arrangement, enabling a more complete neurophysiological analysis in a larger dimension, “the researchers write.

However, researchers warned that this is data for only one person and that damage to the brain from a man’s injury should also be considered. He also noted that he was taking significant doses of antiepileptic drugs and could also affect brain activity.

Despite the warnings pointed out by researchers, the results are important because this study helps to challenge an understanding of exactly when life and death may end, which may be related to practices such as organ donation. It says that it has a meaning. It is ethically impossible to plan the collection of such data from patients.




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