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Studies Link Maternal Smoking to Delayed Embryogenic Development | Mumbai News

Studies Link Maternal Smoking to Delayed Embryogenic Development | Mumbai News


Mumbai: Smoking by mothers during pregnancy from 14 weeks before conception to 10 weeks after conception can cause delayed embryonic development and loss of birth weight, a new study published in the Reproductive Medicine Journal Human Reproduction. I made it clear.

By the 10th week of pregnancy, researchers found that women who smoked 10 or more cigarettes a day were delayed by almost a day in embryonic development compared to nonsmokers, and smokers who became pregnant by in vitro fertilization (IVF). I found it to be delayed by 1.6 days. ) And intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

The study also found that embryos are unable to “catch up” with their development during pregnancy, are more likely to be born smaller with respect to gestational age, and have a median (mean) birth weight of 93 grams lower. I pointed out. Non-smoking woman.

“One of the key messages in this study is that delayed embryonic development due to maternal smoking during pregnancy is also associated with lower fetal measurements and lower birth weight on 20-week ultrasound scans. That’s what the lead author of the study said. Dr. Melek Rousian of the University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, was quoted in a media release.

The study followed 689 females who were singleton pregnant (one child was born during childbirth) between 2010 and 2018. Researchers used virtual reality to study embryonic development and compared morphology to established stages of embryonic development, commonly known as carnegie. Human embryonic stage.

“Smoking was assessed by asking all participants about smoking habits during the 4 weeks before conception and during pregnancy. If a woman smokes during this time frame, the participant will smoke the tobacco or others she smoked. Asked for the number of tobacco products, expressed as the number per day. If a woman quit smoking, she was asked for a date to quit smoking, “the study said.

Experts said the study would have global consequences given the widespread smoking prevalence. “In India, the consequences are serious because of the forms of smoking and smokeless tobacco that are widely used not only in urban areas but also in rural areas and across classes,” said Dr. Duru Shah, a Mumbai-based gynecologist. I am saying. “Many studies have linked worse pregnancy outcomes to tobacco use. Tobacco metabolites or final products are associated with poor egg and sperm quality. Affecting childbirth and premature menopause. It is known to cause, “she said.

According to Shah, women stop smoking as soon as they learn of their pregnancy and develop other unhealthy habits due to concerns about their baby. “Therefore, the government needs to plan the right kind of awareness campaign that can highlight the effects of smoking and other tobacco use during pregnancy. Such a campaign is long-term for tobacco use. It can have a positive impact, “she said.

A 2021 study published in Artificial Medicine entitled “Prevalence and Predictors of Tobacco Use in Currently Married Pregnant Women in India” found that approximately 4.6% of pregnant women in the country use tobacco and are smokeless. Tobacco use has been shown to be predominant among pregnant tobacco users.

“The results of this study reduce tobacco use by pregnant women in the country by identifying at-risk subpopulations and sensitizing the harmful consequences of tobacco use by providing smoking cessation services during prenatal testing. Must be used for. ”

Dr. Ashok Clana, a Delhi-based reproductive medicine expert and former president of the Fetal Medicine Society, said second-hand smoke or second-hand smoke is also harmful to pregnant women.

“It is a well-known fact that direct and second-hand smoke can lead to abnormal fetal growth and abnormal brain development. Many studies in the West have established these connections.” He added that smoking among Indian women is common among classes due to the variety and form of cigarettes available. In India, in addition to tobacco, beedi and hookah smoking is common. In the smokeless form, the use of roasted tobacco leaves, misri, gutuka, and panmasala is common.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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