Scientists identify neurons that respond to songs
![Scientists identify neurons that respond to songs Scientists identify neurons that respond to songs](
Researchers have shown that newly identified neurons show a very weak response to either voice or instrumental music, unlike previously identified music and voice selection neurons. Photo by sfam_photo / Shutterstock
If a great singer seems to brighten your mind, it’s not your imagination.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have identified a group of neurons in the brain that respond to songs but not other types of neurons. music..
“This was … Survey results We didn’t really expect it, so it very justifies the overall point of the approach of revealing potentially novel things you might not think you’re looking for. ” Said Sam Norman Haignere. He is currently an assistant professor of neuroscience at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.
Norman-Haignere and his team said neurons respond to certain combinations of voice and music, but not to instrumental music or normal speech. Song-specific hotspots are located in the upper temporal lobe, near areas of the brain related to music and language.
This location is singing-related, such as the perceived pitch, or the interaction between a word and the perceived pitch, before these neurons relay information to other parts of the brain for more processing. It suggests that it may respond to the characteristics of.
This is the first study to identify these neurons, and further research is needed to determine exactly what these singing-specific neurons are doing, according to the authors of a paper published Tuesday. am. Current biology..
Researchers have previously used functional MRI (fMRI) to identify populations of neurons that respond specifically in the auditory cortex of the brain. music..
In this new study, 15 volunteers heard the same 165 sounds used in the previous study, so researchers used records of electrical activity taken on the surface of the brain.
Researchers have shown that newly identified neurons show a very weak response to either voice or instrumental music, unlike previously identified music and voice selection neurons.
“There is one group of neurons that respond to songs, and in the immediate vicinity there is a group of neurons that respond widely to many music,” Norman-Haignere said in a MIT news release.
“At the scale of fMRI, they are so close that they cannot be unraveled, but using intracranial recording provides additional resolution. I am confident that this will allow them to be separated.” He explained.
Researchers also said they would like to find out if the baby has a music-selective brain region in order to know when and how the baby develops.
For more information
For more information on music and your brain, University of Central Florida..
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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