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What the dying human brain record tells us

What the dying human brain record tells us



For the first time, doctors collected detailed EEG activity before and after sudden death. In their interpretation, researchers suggest that life may certainly “blink in front of you,” but other experts are less convinced.

Estonian doctors monitored the brains of an 87-year-old patient to detect and treat newly developed epileptic seizures. During these measurements, the patient suddenly had a heart attack and died. However, it left the team with a unique new dataset: the first electroencephalogram (EEG) record of the dying human brain. The team involved international collaborators to analyze the patient’s brain records 30 seconds before and after the heart beat stopped. They found that EEG was active and coordinated during and after its transition to death.

The two types of brain waves were the most active. Gamma waves are especially associated with the recovery of dreams and memories. Alpha waves related to information processing and the visual cortex — the team speculates that this may indicate that “life is flashing in front of us” in the moment before death.

“It’s interesting to speculate that such activities may support the final” recall of life “that can occur in near-death conditions,” the researchers wrote in the paper. Frontier of Aging Neuroscience on Tuesday.

The authors of the study state that these data may indicate a dying brain that searches and visualizes memory. Ajmal Zemmar, a neurosurgeon and research organizer at the University of Louisville, said: statement.. “These discoveries challenge our understanding of exactly when life ends.”

These discoveries are interesting and unique, but far from proving a life-threatening phenomenon. Each different type of brain wave is associated with a number of different cognitive functions. These are broader categories of brain activity than specific thought indicators.

Steve Taylor, a psychologist at Leeds Beckett University in the UK who wasn’t part of the research team, said it’s not straightforward to link an increase in gamma brain waves with a pre-mortem flashback. Parents.. “I don’t think this is a prime example of the behavior of the human brain at the time of death,” he added.

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It is important to note that these observations were made in one patient who was recently injured. The 87-year-old patient entered emergency medical care after the fall. He was concerned about neurological symptoms and median shifts due to bleeding in the brain when the brain was off-center due to uneven pressure in the skull. Combined with the effects of the drug, the patient’s brain activity at his last moment may not even represent what can happen to others.

“Whether the recorded activity underlies a particular type of subjective experience, the so-called” near-death experience “, or the impression of life flashing in front of us, is impossible to say, and probably remains. “Let’s do it,” said neuroscientist Anil Seth, who was not involved in the study at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom. Parents.. However, he added that the data are “very unique”, especially because there is no ethical way to obtain such measurements ly.

Similar changes in gamma waves have been previously observed In the brain of a dying mouse Following a heart attack, it suggests increased consciousness in the moment shortly before death. Zemmar will investigate these cases further.




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