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What you need to know about LA County’s relaxed indoor mask rules

What you need to know about LA County’s relaxed indoor mask rules
What you need to know about LA County’s relaxed indoor mask rules


A big change is coming to LA County Coronavirus regulation.

Checking vaccination status In indoor businesses and offices, county health officials announced Wednesday that fully vaccinated people will no longer need to wear masks from Friday.

This is what we know:

What’s changing?

From 12:01 am on Friday, facilities that want to allow fully vaccinated customers to be maskless indoors have all customers fully vaccinated or recently tested negative for coronavirus. As long as you make sure that, you can.

In such places, those who are fully vaccinated and have a record of their condition may choose to take off their masks.

Even people who are not fully vaccinated can enter indoor facilities with relaxed masking rules, but must show evidence of a recent negative coronavirus test — and they still wear masks indoors. Must be worn.

Companies can also choose to continue masking indoors.

What are the details?

Wednesday LA County Officials Provided two scenarios on how this worksIt depends on whether the fully vaccinated employee remains masked.

Option 1: Both customer and worker

In such cases, workers and customers over the age of 5 must present evidence of complete vaccination or a recent negative coronavirus test.

Fully vaccinated people can remove the mask indoors only if they provide evidence of their condition.

People who are not completely vaccinated can enter if the recent test is negative, but they must wear a mask indoors.

Option 2: Customer only

Workers remain masked indoors and do not need to show evidence of vaccination or recent negative coronavirus testing to continue working.

Customers must comply with the requirements of the first option.

Can fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors if needed?


What about unvaccinated people?

Unvaccinated people should wear a mask indoors. The rules are enforced throughout the state.

Which indoor space is subject to optional masking?

From gyms and bars to restaurants and offices. The important thing is whether the company checks the immunization status of immigrants. Locations that have not been vaccinated are subject to the LA County Permanent Indoor Mask Obligation, which applies to all residents regardless of vaccination status.

How is the status of the vaccine confirmed?

County says The guidelines allow businesses to accept physical or digital vaccine records. Out-of-state visitors can provide similar documents issued by local governments.

For more information on acceptable records and how to access them, You can get it here.

What companies already need to check the status of the vaccine?

Existing LA County regulations require proof of COVID-19 vaccination at indoor bars, wineries, breweries, distilleries, nightclubs and lounges.

The city of LA has broader rules for additional indoor retailers and venues such as restaurants, cinemas, hair salons, nail salons, coffee shops, gyms, museums, bowling alleys and performance venues.

Why is LA County still in need of a mask?

California has lifted its obligations for universal indoor masking throughout the state, but Barbara Ferrer, director of public health at Los Angeles County, said he believes the infection rate is still too high to keep up.

The county does so when it reaches a “moderate infection” Defined The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will stay there for 7 days. This means recording less than 730 new coronavirus cases per week.

The county’s current case rate remains nearly four times that. However, given the rapid decline in infection, Feller said he believes the region is in a position to relax the rules from mid-March to late March.

But that slow timeline is not without controversy. Some residents and elected officials urged the county to align its rules with the state more quickly.

“I still think a perfect match with California would be a better, less confusing approach, but this is correct as our cases are reduced and we learn to live with this virus. It’s a welcome step in the direction, “said supervisor Janice Hahn. In a statement on Wednesday.




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