How often do you need to renew your COVID vaccine?
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla promised world speed when the Delta Variant was poised to dominate the world last June. If a hypermutant version of SARS-CoV-2 germinates He saidHis company was able to deploy variant-specific shots in about 100 days. Echo in November When Omicron raises his head..
The company is currently approaching a 100-day finish line and cannot see clinical trial data. Impossible To meet that mark. (I asked Pfizer about this ultra-fast timeline. “Once we analyze the data, we’ll share the updates,” the company replied.) modernWhich Started brewing Omicron vaccine Around the same time, I am aiming to make my debut at the end of summer.
Even if Pfizer works, the Omicron vaccine does not necessarily make a big difference. In many parts of the world, the record-breaking wave of this variant is receding. Soumya Swaminathan, World Health Organization Chief Scientist, said that vaccination with a custom-made vaccine in 100 days was an unprecedented achievement, but Omicron was “too fast” for a shot to cook after receiving an order. This time, I was fortunate to consider everything. Original recipe vaccine Still works Very well for variants, Especially When they are Delivered as a trio Number of jabs — some researchers are good enough I wondered Whether we do So far You need the elusive Omivax.
But Omicron Not the last antibody avoidance mutant It will be debris from the SARS-CoV-2 tree. In other words, the vaccine should be given continuously. Tough decisions come first as to which triggers may drive an entirely new variant-specific vaccine campaign and how to manage time changes. That said, shots are always lagging behind in tension, and you don’t have to leave yourself in the dark future of endless catch-up.Vaccine renewal may not be so necessary That Often, and when they are, we can be ready to react quickly. Instead of sprinting after SARS-CoV-2 each time you are surprised, you can monitor the virus more carefully and use the information gathered to act more carefully.
Proper vaccination against a variant requires it to be detected first. This means monitoring the coronavirus and eradicating wherever you like to hide or transform.
Influenza Excellent template For voyeur of this kind of virus. The virus that causes the disease also transforms often enough to escape the immune system.for DecadesScientists have maintained a large global surveillance network. About 150 laboratoriesEvery year, we collect millions of samples from sick people and suspect the viral sequences remaining in them. The information is then sent to WHO, which meets twice a year (once per hemisphere) to determine which strains to include in the next winter vaccine.
The SARS-CoV-2 watchdog system can piggyback on the flu. The symptoms of the two illnesses overlap. The hospital “has already collected these samples,” says Richard Webby, director of the WHO Collaborative Research Center on Influenza Ecology in Animals and Birds. “Now we only test with two agents.” Scientists are most concerned about examining the coronavirus genome for small danger signals (for example, major changes in peplomers that can disrupt antibodies). You can send your morph to a high-security lab where you can directly counter immune molecules and cells. .. Based on the influenza model, an ideal candidate for vaccine revision may meet three criteria: They are hardly recognized by antibodies. And they are spreading at least somewhat rapidly from one person to the next. According to Swaminasan, a variant that has been significantly modified to “overcome immunity enough” to make even healthy vaccinated people quite ill is the clearest case for editing shot recipes. Will be.
of SeptemberWHO formed a new Technical Advisory Group It is tasked with recommending component adjustments for the COVID vaccine as needed. Swaminasan envisions a committee that runs in parallel with a committee that calls for flu attacks. However, over time, situations that require rapid action against the COVID vaccine may not occur very often. At least some coronaviruses are thought to metamorphose more slowly and dramatically than the influenza virus once they settle in the population. This could mean a more desperate variant of Panmel than we’ve ever experienced. Some experts also hope that as the world continues to increase infectious diseases and vaccinations, immunity to this new coronavirus will improve. Our defense against the flu has always been a bit fragile. The vaccine efficacy of these shots is not very high and then declines fairly rapidly. If the shield against SARS-CoV-2 is stronger and the virus is genetically subdued, the frequency of re-vaccination with the COVID vaccine should be lower than in the case of influenza.
Even for Omicron, the most altered variant of concern identified so far, vaccination protection Against Severe illness It seems to be very sturdy. “I don’t think the whole population needs an annual vaccine,” Swaminasan told me. (A key exception could be a vulnerable population among them, she said. People with immunodeficiency And older individuals. ) And we do If the vaccine needs to be improved, the rate of blisters that can switch mRNA shots will be advantageous.because Most influenza vaccines It takes about 6 months to go through the production pipeline. Vaccine strains are selected at the end of winter and injected into the weapon the following fall. It leaves a gap for the virus to transform further. mRNA shot On the other hand, like Pfizer and Moderna, despite the Omicron Saga, it takes about half the time to complete the process from conception to distribution, eliminating a significant portion of the guesswork.
Some parts of this relatively rosy future May not happen— Or at least they could be far apart. We do not understand SARS-CoV-2 as well as the influenza virus. In most parts of the world, the flu virus waxes in the winter and tends to decline in the warmer months, giving us a feeling of the best time to deploy the vaccine. And the evolution of influenza happens like a linear ladder. Last year’s major stocks tend to spawn this year’s major stocks. This makes it reasonably easy to “predict the direction of the influenza virus” and design vaccines accordingly, says Emma Hodcroft, a molecular epidemiologist at the University of Bern.
On the other hand, the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 looks “more radial” so far. Webby told me that new variants are erupting from the old lineage, rather than reliably riffing the dominant lineage. For example, Omicron was not a branch of Delta. “If you look at the ladder-like evolution, you’ll know you need an Omicron vaccine right now,” Florian Kramer, an influenza virus expert at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, told me. “That’s not what we’ve seen.” Coronavirus has also provided new variants with quite stunning clips so far.Much faster Scientists are less confident that the churn will stop than virologists expected at the beginning of the pandemic.
Coronaviruses can eventually settle into a flu-like pattern as herd immunity grows and learns to coexist better with us. If the host’s defenses are strong and rich enough, there are ways to limit the routes that the virus can follow. Perhaps new variants will emerge and take over slower. “We want to move towards seasonality and stability,” Helen Chu, a flu vaccine researcher at the University of Washington, told me.
But I don’t know how long it will take to make that transition, how bumpy it will be, or if it will happen. Chu is also worried that there is still no suitable infrastructure to identify variants that are gaining momentum in places that can change abnormally quickly. People with weakened immunityProbably, or animal It can contract the pathogen and return it to the boomerang. (Similar events of influenza where other species pass foreign versions of the virus to us can cause a pandemic.) Because SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to prefer the exact same real estate as the influenza virus. , Our surveillance strategy looks different. Even flu surveillance has a notable hole. For example, in the resource-poor regions of the world, we are still behind. “We need eyes and ears everywhere,” Swaminasan told me.
The COVID-vaccine renewal process can remain a bit tricky, at least in the short term. Variants appear and shots track them.Even rewriting a shot that arrives late is not necessarily useless., Hodcroft pointed out. Let’s say the next variant is a descendant of Omicron. By administering Omivax, you can prepare your body for what is in front of you, even if the shot arrives too late to prevent past spikes.That said, we too Note that it goes all-in to OmicronRecently, some experts have warned that it is too early to completely dump the original recipe shots in the trash. “If we go straight to the Omicron vaccine and stop other vaccines, it could potentially open the immune gap of the ancestral strain,” the progeny roars, WHO technology. Cheryl Cohen, a member of the advisory group, says COVID-19 vaccine and epidemiologist at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases in South Africa.
The pitfalls of pivoting from one spike version to the next are part of the reason why this “mole approach” to track a single variant must be ended, WHO on the COVID-19 vaccine. Said Raina MacIntyre, a member of the technical advisory group at. Biosecurity expert at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Ideally, future vaccines should be protected from multiple variants at one time with a single injection.The simple first step is mix Multiple spikes on one shot-for example, Omicron-original combo, or Omicron-delta-original triple threat.Eventually, we may run into a universal formula to defend all Variants, including those “not yet known,” said Hodcroft. If there are signs of influenza, it can be a big challenge. Even after years of research, we had a hard time finding catch-all shots of the disease. SARS-CoV-2 does not yet have a good sense of all the evolutionary pathways that the virus may follow. You may not be able to perform a wider range of shots until you have a good understanding of the enemy. Nevertheless, So much effort in the vaccine pipeline, Swaminasan is optimistic. “I’m pretty sure it’s scientifically feasible,” she said. “No more”can Can we do it? ‘It’s’ we can.. ‘”
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