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Sudden reaction to food?May be an adult-onset allergy

Sudden reaction to food?May be an adult-onset allergy
Sudden reaction to food?May be an adult-onset allergy


Friday, February 25, 2022 (HealthDay News)-You bite an apple and suddenly your mouth begins to tingle.Or you eat shrimp for dinner Hives..

What’s happening because you could eat these foods for the rest of your life, not a kid?

Several conditions can be the cause, one is adult onset Food allergies.. After reaching adulthood, it’s becoming allergic-sometimes seriously-.

Researchers aren’t sure why some people are allergic to certain foods after adulthood, but there are some theories about triggers and possible treatments.

Dr. Luci Gupta, Director of the Food Allergy Center, said: Asthma, part of the Institute of Public Health Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago.

Over 50 million Americans have food allergies. Immune system According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), it overreacts to something in food.

According to Gupta, this includes about 10% of adults Original research.. Some allergies were carried over from childhood, but almost half of them began in adulthood. Approximately 38% of the 40,000 studies in 2019 reported that they had a serious reaction to the food they sent to the emergency room.

Everything can cause allergies, but nine substances: peanuts, nuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, fins, soybeans, wheat and sesame cause 90% of food allergies.

Among adults, Shellfish allergy It is the most common and affects almost 3%, Gupta said.

Life changes the trigger

Allergies tend to occur familyFor many reasons, researchers have identified new allergies in adulthood due to changes in the environment. Maybe you are on the move and exposed to various allergens that trigger the immune system.

A viral or bacterial infection can also toggle that switch.

Hormones can also catalyze, especially in women. It is not uncommon to develop food allergies during puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

“Allergies are a bit higher in adulthood in women, and the mechanism is not yet fully understood, but it may be related to hormonal changes,” said Tania, ACAAI spokesman and NYU faculty member. Dr. Elliott said. Langone Health in New York City.

She said that some women may experience deterioration of the allergic system at various stages of the menstrual cycle.

Another possible cause: Elliott said that certain medicines and alcohol can change the acidity of the intestines, so the body does not break down certain foods as before.

This provokes a so-called IgE-mediated immune response. It describes Elliott as “a fantasy term for saying that our bodies are abnormally reacting to something that naturally occurs in the environment.”

Its natural reaction triggers the body to release chemicals, including: histamineAccording to Elliott, it can cause itching, redness, swelling and dilation of blood vessels.

Allergies can affect multiple organ systems with skin reactions. vomiting, Dyspnea Dilates blood vessels. Anaphylaxis Serious, life-threatening Allergic reaction.. Your doctor may ask you to carry epinephrine so that you can quickly treat this dangerous reaction.

Allergists can help with the diagnosis

Food intolerance is different. Symptoms may include bloating, malaise, and other discomfort, which may appear days after, rather than minutes or hours. If you experience these symptoms, Elliott suggests that you keep your dietary diary for about two weeks before having your doctor analyze it. It can lead to an elimination diet to identify the cause.

A tingling in the mouth after chewing a fresh apple may be a symptom called oral allergy syndrome.

For example, if you are allergic to the pollen of a tree, you may react to eating fruit from that tree. In addition to a tingling sensation, a rash or hives may get in your mouth. It is unlikely to cause anaphylaxis, and according to Gupta, you may be able to continue eating food.

“It’s important to talk to an allergist to see what’s going on,” she said. Because sometimes cooking food can reduce the reaction.

However, that is not the case for those who are experiencing a serious allergic reaction.

“These are things that need to be completely avoided,” Gupta said, adding that it is important to have a formal diagnosis.

Although 10% of adults have food allergies, about 20% of Gupta’s studies suspected food allergies. Many people may have been intolerant of certain foods, such as lactose in milk. About 1 in 20 people in Gupta’s study reported seeking a diagnosis.

A small Canadian study of 14 patients found that “adult-onset food allergies, especially the resulting anaphylaxis, are important phenomena to recognize, even if the patients previously tolerated the food in question. There is. “

If you suspect an allergic reaction to food and it’s not serious enough to send to the ER, Elliott suggests taking a picture of the reaction with the food and sharing the picture with your doctor, including the spices used in cooking. did.

This is because allergies to spices are increasing. She said your doctor could do a targeted test of certain ingredients in a suspicious dish.

If you like crabs and nuts and suddenly can’t eat them, don’t despair. Treatment is underway, Gupta said.

There are already oral medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Immunotherapy Because of peanut allergies in children. Not yet approved for adults, Gupta predicts it will eventually be approved.

Ongoing clinical trials are also evaluating biopharmaceuticals that alter some of the immune pathways that trigger the reaction.

“I want everyone to know. I’m hoping to get treatment for food allergies within 5 to 10 years now,” Gupta said.

For more information

The US Food and Drug Administration details food allergies.

Source: Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH, Center for Food Allergy and Asthma, Institute for Public Health and Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and professor, Professor, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago; Tania Elliott, MD, Spokes Person, University of Allergology, Asthma and Immunology, and Allergist / Immunologist, NYU Langone Health, New York City




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