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Pandemic damage to children’s mental health

Pandemic damage to children’s mental health


January to investigate the impact on children in 11 countries Studies in the journal JAMA Pediatrics Children were found to have experienced increased anxiety, depression, and other psychological health effects associated with school closures and blockages. Another study The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in June that suicide attempts by adolescent girls increased during the pandemic.

What are some signs that your child may need help? What should parents do to deal with the ongoing impact on their child’s mental health? What about children worried about resuming pre-pandemic activities?

Dr. Liana Wen: It depends on the age of your child. For younger children, signs of stress and mental health problems can manifest as increased crying, more severe tantalum, falls and sleep difficulties, and increased anxiety when having to leave the caregiver.

Older children and adolescents may show signs of academic problems, memory and concentration problems, and behavioral changes such as withdrawal from friendship. Look for unusual changes in your child, such as loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and changes in sleep, diet, and exercise.

Studies show that children with insomnia can become insomniac until they reach adulthood.Parents can help

CNN: What should parents do if they notice these signs?

Wen: Depending on your child’s age, you may be able to have an open conversation about stress and your child’s appearance. Listen to their concerns. Let them know that you are here to help them, that professional help exists, and that it is normal to need help. You may also want to share your own experience and the impact of the pandemic on you. It may help you to have a relationship with your child and let them know that you are overcoming this together. Open the door to another discussion and check in frequently if your child isn’t ready to have a conversation yet.

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Parents need to get the help of their child’s pediatrician as soon as possible. Pediatricians can screen for depression, anxiety, and other problems. One-on-one time with older children with a pediatrician can also allow them to be more open and allow your child’s doctor to investigate what their concerns are. ..

When it comes to mental health, it is also important for parents to model self-care. The stress of other members of the family can be transferred to the child. Pay attention to your own mental health needs and prioritize your own emotional well-being.

CNN: Where can parents get help from mental health professionals?

& # 39; Children rarely do better than their parents. & # 39; what to do here

Wen: Your child’s pediatrician will be the best source of information to go, especially as they can provide recommendations on what kind of assistance is most appropriate. Some children will benefit most from psychiatrists, while others will benefit from psychologists, therapists and mental health counselors. Mental health support may be provided at your child’s school.

Here I would like to show that if you are concerned about the risk of suicide, you should seek help immediately. Don’t be National suicide prevention lifeline At 1-800-273-TALK (800-273-8255). Make sure all weapons, medicines, and other possible household hazards are safely locked. In case of imminent danger, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room to treat your child’s age.

CNN: What advice would you give to parents whose children are upset because of their continued isolation?

What are the new Covid-19 rules for kids?Our experts

Wen: First, ask your family if they need to continue pandemic measures at this time. There have been many changes since the pandemic first began. Anyone over the age of 5 can be vaccinated and provides excellent protection against serious illness caused by Covid-19. Can you mitigate your precautions and allow your child to return to pre-pandemic activities?

Many families keep their children away from extracurricular activities. However, after the surge due to the Omicron variant, the level of Covid-19 has dropped, so consider which activity can be resumed. Can your child return to indoor swimming or basketball knowing that these activities are not zero risk, but the risk of severe illness is very low? How about trying more external activities?

Why Maskman Date Rollbacks Are Scary

For families who want to continue to pay attention to protecting vulnerable members of their family, consider ways to reduce risk while continuing the activities that your child cares about. If everyone in the other household is vaccinated, can you allow your child to turn over again? If they promise to keep high quality masks all the time, can you allow them to go to the movies? Or can they play with others outside?

CNN: What about the opposite? What if my child is anxious because of restrictions such as the mask being removed?

Wen: Talk to your child about a very low actual risk. A Recent research The journal JAMA Pediatrics found that the hospitalization rates for children with Covid-19 were comparable to influenza. This was before vaccination. If your child continues to be very worried, you can still get them to mask, even if others around them aren’t. Makes social and extracurricular activities easier. Instead of starting with a school dance with hundreds of people in the room, start with a play date or birthday party with two or three good friends.
As the number of Omicron cases declines, doctors are worried about the potential for a surge in dangerous child complications MIS-C.

CNN: I am very worried about the long-distance Covid-19. Should i

Wen: Studies have shown that Covid-19 may have long-term consequences.I’m not sure how common long range Covids are or how they look Long-term problems affect children.. Different families respond differently to this uncertainty. Some people want to take additional precautions to avoid Covid-19 as much as possible. Others will appreciate the return to pre-pandemic normality.

One of the key points is that both physical and mental health and well-being are not just defined as a lack of coronavirus. There are many other factors to consider.




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