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“We should have had time to prepare”: Dentists in a hurry to safely resume | Society


Magda, who asked not to reveal her real name, is the head of both of the three dental clinics in Oxford. NHS And private.

During the Prime Minister’s speech, the discovery that the dental clinic could resume in just over a week caused us to panic a large amount to meet the demands of infection control and collect the right amount of PPE for staff and patients. I’m out of time. After all treatment.

Shortly after the Prime Minister’s speech, I received a number of emails from patients asking them to book a patient for urgent scale and polishing and a long awaited test. We appreciate that the patient looks forward to seeing us as soon as we are able to reopen it, but it is important for the patient to understand that when we revisit our dentistry looks very different. is.

No treatment is permitted, including aerosol generation procedures. [including procedures such as drilling] And if possible, avoid direct contact with the patient. Little guidance has been given to practice as to what treatments we are allowed to carry out.

We really want to help and reassure patients, see people suffering from pain, but we are also scared of the sustainability of our practice. The dental clinic is afraid of resuming because it needs to get back to work soon and resume paying staff and bills. Medical disposal costs are six times higher and you will not be able to earn income from any treatment.

Unfortunately, without government support for PPE, long booking times and ongoing fixed costs, NHS Dentistry can’t survive without dental care.

Julie Deberick, president of BSDHT and a dental hygienist in personal care at Surrey

My practice begins on Mondays, but hygiene services don’t come to it right now. Last week I told you that this guidance was opened on June 8th.

We wanted to open, and many practices have addressed this, but there is no guidance explaining what really needs to be changed or how it should be done. was. It should not have been announced the way it was announced. [should] I had time to actually prepare myself and then prepare to accept the patient.

At this stage, you will have to make a clinical decision about whether to use a drill. To ensure the safety of patients and staff, most dental practices wait until the national vigilance level is lowered before providing steps to generate an aerosol.

From the perspective of the periodontal (gum), from the point of view of the dental hygienist and dental therapist, I think that home care is the best advice than anywhere else, even without treatment like physical therapy. If so, you may in fact be able to do something.

Julie Debarick

Julie Debarick. Photo: Handouts

Christina Chatfield, Clinical Director and Hygienist at Dental Spa in Brighton, Private

Only dentists are the first to come back [not hygienists].. The dentist may have said he can open the dentist’s office from June 8th, but it cannot be opened without PPE. It is impossible to start a business without implementing all processes.

No suitable PPE [yet].. The face masks for surgical use, which were purchased at 3p per face mask in January, are now up to 96p. 50 boxes went from £3 to £50. In addition, you need a FFP2 mask [for aerosol-generating procedures, which can be done for essential treatment], Which had to be like never before, [and they are] Very difficult to procure.

We are not yet in the position of financial support. Private dentistry is kneeling and one of the smaller companies is closed all night. You need to look at Twitter to see how hard private practices are.


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