Georgia Coronavirus Number February 25, 2022
We analyze trends and relay information from across the state.
Atlanta — Analyzes trends and relays information from across Georgia to provide a data perspective and trend context.
11 Visit the Alive Coronavirus page For comprehensive coverage, What you need to know Learn more about symptoms, especially in Georgia, and monitor cases around the world.
The Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state and federal authorities are continuously monitoring the spread of the virus. They are also working with the World Health Organization to track the spread around the world.
The graph above shows the number of COVID-19-related deaths in Georgia since January 1, 2022.
Since the last report on Thursday, more than 100 lives have been lost in COVID-19 in Georgia, and Peach now has an average of 90 to 100 COVID-19-related deaths per day. As a result, Georgia has nearly 30,000 deaths from the virus since the first pandemic began.
The graph above shows the total number of coronavirus-related hospitalizations in Georgia since November 22, 2021.
According to the data, hospitalizations are on the decline. In Georgia, the number of cases and hospitalizations surged following the 2021 holiday season and the epidemic of Omicron variants. The total number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Peach is already below half of the recommended percentage of COVID-19 patients in the CDC. Still, Georgia hospitals have yet to reach pre-Thanksgiving patient numbers.
- As of 3:45 pm, 29,632 Dead (number) Georgia has seen an increase in 102 deaths since Thursday’s report. In the last 14 days when numbers were reported by DPH, the average daily increase in newly reported deaths was 110.14. Over the last 14 days when numbers were reported, the average daily increase in newly reported deaths was 89.79.
- was there 1,909,595 Case Confirmed in Georgia, an increase of 982 from Thursday’s report. In the last 14 days when the numbers were reported by DPH, the average daily increase in newly identified cases was 2,330.29 new cases. Over the last 14 days when numbers were reported, the average daily increase in newly identified cases was 14,086.
- was there 107,425 Total number of inpatients According to the cumulative total of the Public Health Service, Georgia during the pandemic increased by 154 from Thursday. Over the last 14 days when numbers were reported, the average daily increase in new cases was 211.86 new cases. Over the last 14 days when numbers were reported, the average daily increase in new cases was 332.21.
- The Georgia Emergency Management Agency began reporting current hospitalizations throughout the state on May 1. That day, they reported 1,500 current hospitalizations.The agency abolished the daily report on September 5, 2020 and pointed out a newly created one instead. Georgia COVID-19 Data Hub..
- As of February 25, according to Georgia’s new database 1,620 Current hospitalization – 85 hospitalization reductions since Thursday.
- father, 55 55% Of Georgians are now fully vaccinatedAt an intermediate dose of 8%, 37% have not yet been vaccinated.
Apply 3,528105
Atkinson 1,52436
Baldwin 7,280187
Barrow 19,408234
Bartow 21,400374
Benhill 2,16172
Beliën 2,00454
Bib 28,666659
Breakfast 1,45742
Brantley 2,47684
Brooks 1,87561
Bulloch 10,541 106
Bat 4,692133
Camden 8,51192
Candler 1,31951
Carol 14,358176
Katosa 12,320120
Charlton 2,19547
Chatham 52,571751
Chatafuchi 5,90816
Chatuga 5,234109
Cherokee 44,972538
Clark 26,013203
Clayton 57,212837
Clinch 1,38236
Cobb 133,4201,545
Coffee 8,409203
Colkit 7,891156
Colombia 20,166293
Coweta 20,745411
Crawford 1,18642
Dawson 6,09593
DeKalb 126,267 1,426
Decatur 4,97587
Dougherty 14,054 431
Douglas 27,998302
Effingham 10,180161
Elbert 2,63681
Emmanuel 3,40578
Fanin 4,132117
Fight 16,640264
Floyd 22,837396
Forsyth 43,279339
Franklin 4,35775
Fulton 182,0831,940
Gilmer 4,629137
Green 17,993346
Gordon 11,780218
Green 3,13670
Gwinnett 172,7621,660
Harbor Sham 8,366226
Hall 46,401744
Hancock 1,36480
Haralson 3,43557
Harris 5,11096
Henry 45,230595
Houston 22,969315
Jackson 18,455261
Jasper 1,65836
Jeff Davis 2,31245
Jefferson 2,22577
Jenkins 1,07045
Johnson 1,45956
Lanier 1,08613
Lawrence 8,566229
Liberty 10,796103
Lowndes 15,089 258
Lampkin 6,502105
Madison 5,93983
McDuffy 2,96575
Macintosh 1,94733
Meriwether 3,235113
Mirror 1,28220
Mitchell 3,08969
Monroe 3,868128
Montgomery 1,44445
Morgan 2,89547
Murray 9,058163
Mascogie 31,759660
Newton 17,919376
Non-GA Resident / Unknown State 62,771920
Oconee 6,87589
Ogre Soap 2,36647
Pauling 25,782302
Peach 3,657100
Pickens 5,076123
Earrings 2,77899
Plus key 1,21243
Putnam 3,61795
Randolph 85242
Richmond 35,869671
Rockdale 14,856279
Scriven 1,80936
Seminole 1,62724
Spalding 10,389335
Stevens 5,877123
Stewart 1,82331
Samter 3,890145
Tagliaferro 1813
Tattnall 3,39980
Taylor 1,13838
Telfair 1,24158
Terrell 1,18758
Thomas 8,798178
Tooms 5,380163
Troitren 1.13146
Troop 12,025306
Turner 1,10944
Twig 1,03353
Union 4,253128
Unknown 8,51014
Apson 4,131166
Walker 13,361176
Walton 15,821371
Washington 3,21880
Wayne 5,643177
White 6,230134
Whitfield 27,237373
Wilkes 1,11733
Wilkinson 1,64046
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