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Pa. And Allegheny Co.Health officials are saying about the updated CDCCOVID-19 mask guidance

Pa. And Allegheny Co.Health officials are saying about the updated CDCCOVID-19 mask guidance


Pennsylvania does not have prior information about what the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID-19 guidance will look like, but the State Secretary of Health’s deputy states that Pennsylvania will follow the CDC guidance. increase. Take other precautions to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Revised on Friday. Currently, most Americans (70%) are said to live in low-risk and medium-risk areas where they can stop wearing masks. This includes schools in these areas. “Pennsylvania is moving in the right direction. The number of cases has been the lowest since August last year and continues to decline. COVID-19 hospitalizations are declining and, fortunately, mortality is declining. “At a press conference prior to the CDC’s announcement, Deputy Director of Health, Pennsylvania, Keara Clinepeter, said, while the CDC is ready to use them in the future as needed. It is possible to give people a break from some means, such as masking. Federal and state health officials say that some people are on their own health, even if they don’t need it. He states that he may choose to continue taking precautions because of his needs and concerns. Are you wearing a mask? You may be wearing a mask because you work at a nursing home, and now Maybe they’re wearing masks because they’re pregnant. Others making the best possible decisions. “Allegheny about what the CDC guidance means for local public transport. The county’s Port Authority responded to Pittsburgh’s Action News 4. Be sure to notify the rider of the mask policy or any updates to that policy as soon as possible. “We need to thoroughly review the details of the new CDC guidance before considering any changes,” said a Giant Eagle spokesperson. UPMC responded to Action News 4 in Pittsburgh: “UPMC protects patients, staff, and everyone who comes to our care site. We ensure the safety of patients and staff and to illnesses, including COVID-19. To reduce the risk of exposure, UPMC will continue to limit patient, identified and approved support personnel, staff, and critical vendors to access the facility. Nose to anyone entering the care site. Please wear an appropriate mask to cover your mouth, keep a distance and wash your hands frequently. Details Some of the current COVID policies are https: // “COVID-19 will never go away, but Pennsylvania prioritizes tools, knowledge, prevention in everyday life, and the resources needed to manage future outbreaks,” Klinepeter said. In a reply in, the Allegheny County Health Department wrote: Effective vac cine and testing (including home testing) and COVID treatment, as well as reduced number of cases, hospitalization and mortality. Therefore, the CDC has announced a new approach to mitigation that uses community measures focused on minimizing the impact of serious COVID-19 infections on health and society. This change is appropriate for this stage of the pandemic and ACHD will endeavor to adopt this change for regional COVID-19 compliance. In the next phase, new guidance will reduce the community-level infection rate in Allegheny County. Support and promotion of testing and vaccines, monitoring of virus spread in the community using wastewater monitoring, monitoring of medical use / burden, outbreak tracking, new variants and more. Use this information to inform and prepare the general public for possible variants and surges. Second, community members need to feel empowered to perform personal safety assessments. ■ Based on the latest information available, we will act accordingly. ”

Pennsylvania does not have prior information about what the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID-19 guidance will look like, but the Deputy Minister of Health said Pennsylvania is following the CDC guidance. I am.

The CDC guidelines for deciding when and where people need to wear masks were revised on Friday when other precautions need to be taken to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Currently, most Americans (70%) are said to live in low-risk and medium-risk areas where they can stop wearing masks. This includes schools in those areas.

“Pennsylvania is heading in the right direction. The number of cases has been the lowest since August last year and continues to decline. COVID-19 hospitalizations are declining and, fortunately, mortality is declining. “We are,” said Keara Klinepeter, Pennsylvania’s Deputy Health Department. At a press conference held before the secretary and CDC announcement.

“The new guidance puts Allegheny County at a low-infection community level,” said Dr. Debra Bogen, director of health at Allegheny County.

The CDC says it is possible to give people a break from some means like masking while they are ready to use them in the future as needed. Federal and state health officials say some people may choose to continue taking precautions because of their health needs and concerns, even if they don’t need them.

“You don’t always know why someone is wearing a mask, maybe you’re wearing a mask because you work in a nursing home, or you’re pregnant now,” said Clinepeter. So I’m wearing a mask, so when we enter this next stage, I think it’s important to continue to bless others who are making the best possible decisions. “

The Allegheny County Port Authority responded to Action News 4 in Pittsburgh on what the CDC guidance means for local public transport. Please update to that policy as soon as possible. “

A Giant Eagle spokesman said that the mask policy “must be fully reviewed for details of the new CDC guidance before considering any changes.”

UPMC responded to Action News 4 in Pittsburgh: “UPMC protects patients, staff, and everyone who comes to our care site. It ensures the safety of patients and staff and to illnesses, including COVID-19. To reduce the risk of exposure, UPMC will continue to limit patient, identified and approved support personnel, staff, and critical vendors to access the facility. Nose to anyone entering the care site. Please wear an appropriate mask to cover your mouth, keep a distance and wash your hands frequently. Details of the current COVID policy “

“COVID-19 will never go away, but Pennsylvania has the tools, knowledge, and resources needed to prioritize prevention in daily life and manage future outbreaks,” said Klinepeter.

In an email reply, the Allegheny County Health Department wrote:

“We are moving to a new stage of the pandemic. Safe and effective vaccines and tests (including home tests) and COVID treatment are widely available, reducing cases, hospitalizations and mortality. That’s why the CDC has announced a new approach to mitigation measures that use community measures focused on minimizing the impact of serious COVID-19 infections on health and society. “

It provided this statement from Dr. Debra Bogen, Director of the County Health Department:

“I believe this change is appropriate for this stage of the pandemic, and ACHD will endeavor to adopt this change for local COVID-19 compliance.

“We follow the CDC guidance and encourage all Allegheny County residents to do the same. However, we are taking the next step and the new guidance puts Allegheny County in a low community-level infection. We will continue to support and promote testing and vaccines. Use wastewater surveillance to monitor the spread of the virus within the community, monitor the use / burden of healthcare, and identify outbreaks and new variants. Track. Use this information to notify and prepare the public for potential variants and proliferations. Authority to perform personal safety assessments based on the most up-to-date information available. Feel given and act accordingly. “




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