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Warning about mosquito-borne virus in SA, Victoria, New South Wales after one died and seven were sent to hospital

Warning about mosquito-borne virus in SA, Victoria, New South Wales after one died and seven were sent to hospital


More and more mosquito-borne viruses in southeastern Australia have killed one person and seriously affected seven others.

According to SA Health, the weather pattern in La Nina increases the risk of South Australian mosquito-borne diseases, including flavivirus infections.

In the past month, seven cases of acute encephalitis (or brain inflammation) have occurred in the state.

All the required hospitalizations killed one person.

The four are still in the hospital.

“In recent weeks, cocobella virus has been detected in adults here in Riverland. So far, on interstate highways, the rare Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland. (JEV) has been detected. West Nile virus (Kunjin variant) was detected in horses in New South Wales in January“, Said Chris Reese, Deputy Public Health Director.

“Cocobella virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus, Murray Valley encephalitis virus all belong to a group of viruses called flaviviruses.

“Most people infected with these viruses are asymptomatic or develop mild febrile illness, but only a small percentage (less than 1%) of infected people develop encephalitis, which is fatal or fatal. It can cause long-term neurological damage. “

Symptoms of encephalitis include confusion, headache, stiff neck, tremors, drowsiness, and seizures.

Search for Japanese encephalitis virus

Veterinary chief Mary Carr said the Department of Primary Industry and Region has taken oversight measures to monitor JEVs, which are normally found only in the Torres Strait.

“The normal life cycle of a JEV is between waterfowl and mosquitoes, which can accidentally spread to pigs and horses, but no JEV livestock detection is currently confirmed in South Australia,” Carr said. The doctor said.

Sentinel chicken Along the Murray River is used for virus monitoring..

So far this year, 77 cases of Ross River have been reported in the state, compared to 48 cases of the same period last year.

SA Health encourages people to wear long, loose, light-colored clothing outdoors and use repellents containing DEET or picaridin.

Industry to prepare for the outbreak

Tim Kingma, president and pork producer of the Victorian Farmers Federation Pig Group, says the industry is preparing for an outbreak, living just 50 kilometers from positive cases in Echuca.

“We know we see a 1% change in the piggery, but if we see a 10% change, the warning bell will ring soon,” Kingma said.

“The threat of hog cholera in Australia over the last few years has taken the industry very seriously about biosecurity issues.

“We already have a lot of mosquitoes, so a lot has already been implemented on the farm to fight them.”

Kingma said it was important to emphasize that the virus did not affect the safety or quality of pork.

“There’s nothing wrong with meat. Only viruses can invade and affect some pigs,” he said.

Related CSIRO

Dr. Paul De Barro, CSIRO director of the strategic project and mosquito expert, said the spread of the virus was a serious concern.

“If you get infected, or if you can get infected, it will kill you,” he said.

“This is not a very common illness, but it is one of the illnesses we are actually watching carefully just because it can cause human death.”

Dr. Devaro said the virus was usually detected in the Northern Territory, Queensland, and the Torres Strait, but recent wet conditions have created a perfect storm that also spreads the virus to New South Wales and Victoria. ..

He said that a mosquito named culexannulirostris is the main transmitter.

“It’s an ideal mosquito for the La Niño phenomenon, because I love places where there was a little flood and where there was water in the hollows,” he said.

“This is actually a highly mobile mosquito, so it will fly miles.

“That is, the real protection is to prevent being bitten.”




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