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Are the kids at risk of long Covid?

Are the kids at risk of long Covid?


Apart from that, trying to mitigate the problem as much as possible is still a problem. While some symptoms, such as dizziness, can be treated with heart rate-lowering medications, Oliveira seeks to refer a child with chronic pain to a cognitive-behavioral therapy specialist to find a way to deal with it. increase.

Other experts hope that the increased amount of research directed at children’s long Covids will shed light on the long-term complications that may result from other childhood viral infections. doing.For example, it is known that RSV can be done. Leads to asthmain the meantime influenza And that Epstein-Barr virus It can also cause chronic illness in a small number of children. Henry Balfour, a pediatrician at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine, believes that all of these post-infection conditions may be due to similar weaknesses within the genetic code.

“I think all of these problems are related to various forms of immunodysregulation that may have a common ancestor in our genes. It’s really worth investigating,” says Balfour. increase.

But for many parents, such as Sammy McFarland, who founded Longcovid Kids after their 15-year-old daughter Kitty developed long-term long-covid symptoms, more policy makers and doctors have been having problems in recent months. I am relieved to see that I take it more seriously. .. McFarland was accused of seeking attention when her daughter’s illness was first explained to her nurse, and many other parents said the child’s problem was psychological. It is said that it has been broken.

“This has been a concern since the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health published an article about families reporting symptoms to the GP and discussing forged illnesses,” McFarland said. I am. “Then there are toxic positive brigades that think a positive approach cures long Covid. Of course, positives play an important role in any recovery, but they do not cure damaged organs.”

Long Covids may affect only a relatively small number of children, but Buonsenso says the numbers are still so large that the world cannot afford to ignore their plight.

“I know it’s not so often in children, but I find it very difficult to close my eyes in front of so many patients reporting this,” he says. “This is starting to cause problems for the national health system because caring for children with multiple comorbidities like this is so complex and expensive. We have in the past Epstein Bar and others. Having experienced long-term problems with viral infections, the main difference now is that thousands of patients are fighting to get their lives back on track. “


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