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Want to reduce your risk of death?This is why you should engage in strength building activities

Want to reduce your risk of death?This is why you should engage in strength building activities


Regular exercise is known to have many health benefits. But given everyone’s busy lifestyle, what is the minimum amount of exercise time needed to ensure optimal health? A pooled data analysis of available evidence shows that 30-60 minutes of strength-building activity each week is associated with a 10-20% reduction in risk of all causes and death from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. I found that I was doing it.Especially

This study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The findings are unrelated to aerobic exercise. However, the analysis shows a J-shaped curve for most of the results, and there is no conclusive evidence that more than one hour of strength-building activity per week further reduces risk.

Physical activity guidelines recommend regular muscle-building activities for adults, as they are known to be primarily beneficial to skeletal muscle health. Examples of these activities include weightlifting. Working with resistance bands; push-ups, abs exercises, squats. Heavy gardening such as digging and shoveling.

Previous studies have shown that strengthening activity is associated with a reduced risk of death, but it is unclear what the optimal “dose” is.

The researchers scrutinized the research database for relevant prospective observational studies, including adults without major health problems that had been monitored for at least two years. The final analysis included 16 studies out of 29 initial caches. The first study was published in 2012, most studies were conducted in the United States, and the rest were conducted in the United Kingdom, Scotland, Australia, and Japan. The maximum monitoring period lasted 25 years.

The number of study participants varied from nearly 4,000 to nearly 480,000, and the age ranged from 18 to 97 years. Twelve studies included both men and women. Two included only men and three included only women. All studies considered aerobic or other types of physical activity, as well as muscle strengthening activity.

Pooled data analysis showed that muscle-building activity was associated with a 10-17% lower risk of death from any cause, not just death from heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, or lung cancer. rice field.

No association was found between strengthening muscles and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, such as the intestines, kidneys, bladder, and pancreas.

A J-shaped curve appeared, reducing the maximum risk by 10-20% at approximately 30-60 minutes per week of muscle-building activity for all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and all cancers.

An L-shaped association was observed in diabetes, with a significant reduction in the risk of muscle strengthening activity up to 60 minutes / week, followed by a gradual decrease.

A joint analysis of muscle strengthening and aerobic exercise showed that the combination of these two types of activity further reduced the risk of death, cardiovascular disease, and cancer from all causes. 40%, 46%, and 28% lower. , Each.

Researchers have acknowledged certain restrictions on their findings. The main thing was that for each of the study results, data from only a few studies were pooled. The studies involved also relied on a subjective assessment of muscle strengthening activity.

Researchers warned that the results may not be more widely applicable because most of the studies were conducted in the United States, adding that all of the included studies are observational studies rather than clinical trials.

Given the J-shaped association, they write that the potential for increased amounts of muscle-building activity to reduce the risk of death is unclear.

However, they concluded that: “The combination of muscle strengthening and aerobic exercise may offer greater benefits to reduce all causes. [cardiovascular disease]And total cancer mortality.

“Given the limited data available, further research is needed, including studies focused on more diverse populations to increase the certainty of the evidence.”

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