Do you want to sleep well?Lift some weights

In fact, resistance training could even beat aerobic exercise in competition for the best sleep aids, according to a new preliminary study published Thursday at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle and Cardiac Metabolism Health Conference. I have.
“The goodness of aerobic exercise for sleep is well established on the basis of science and evidence,” said Angelique Brerentin, an assistant professor of kinematics at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Stated. Kinesiology is the study of human movement.
“Our study found that resistance exercises appear to go beyond aerobic exercises, or even a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises for several different sleep outcomes,” she said. Told.
The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed or published, found that those who had only one year of resistance training increased their sleep time at night and added an average of 40 minutes of blissful zzz.
People who only did aerobic exercise for 12 months also benefited, but not so many. They added about 23 minutes of sleep each night, but people who did both types of exercise got an average of 17 minutes a night.
“These are interesting, but preliminary data showing that resistance exercises may be better (for sleep). This needs to be reproduced,” said the Sleep Psychiatrists of the Sleep Medicine Center and Addiction Medicine Department. Dr. Bhanuprakash Kolla, a physician and neurologist, said. At the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He was not involved in his research.
Exercise and sleep
Aerobic exercise means “using oxygen” and is a type of exercise that causes the heart to rotate continuously (usually 15 to 30 minutes). Running, swimming, biking, rowing, skipping rope, and active walking are typical types of aerobic exercise, along with team sports such as basketball.
Resistance exercises include lifting free weights, using machine weights, elastic resistance bands, and doing lunges, squats, push-ups, and chin-ups to lift your body weights. Weight training adds strength by stressing muscle fibers and forcing the body to restore it.
“Our study is one of the largest and longest exercise tests in the general adult population and, to my knowledge, the first to directly compare two types of exercise, aerobic and resistance exercises.” Said Brellenthin.
In this study, one group of 386 inactive and overweight people with higher than normal blood pressure used a weight machine in the gym and three sets of 8-16 iterations on a circuit of 12 machines. Completed: Leg and chest press, lat pull-down, leg curl and extension, biceps curl, triceps pushdown, shoulder press, abdominal crunch, waist extension, torso rotation, hip abduction.
Another group used treadmills, ellipticals, uprights or recumbent bikes for aerobic exercise, with observers monitoring their heart rate to maintain moderate to intense intensity levels.
Both the resistance and aerobic groups exercised under observation for 60 minutes three times a week. The third group did both types of exercise three times a week for 30 minutes, while the fourth group did not exercise at all.
In addition to an additional 40 minutes of sleep, the study found that resistance exercises reduced the number of times people wake up in the middle of the night and improved sleep efficiency by another 15 minutes, Brerentin said.
People who did both types of exercise also improved sleep efficiency, but not so much. The control group, which did not go well with aerobic exercise, had no effect. People who were already sleeping well did not see any improvement in their sleep.
Why does resistance exercise defeat aerobic when it comes to quality sleep? No one knows yet, Bulelengtin said, but she has some theories.
First, weight training stimulates muscle cell growth and raises testosterone and growth hormone levels in the body. “Both of these hormones are associated with wider and deeper sleep,” she said.
“Another theory might be that with weight training, the microscopic tears in the muscle-adapting tissue send a strong signal to the brain, putting a person in a deeper recovery state at night,” she said. Said. “I think the reason we sleep is because of the recovery process that allows the brain to replenish and repair the body.”
Add resistance to your routine
What is the takeaway? Buleleng emphasized that there is certainly no avoidance of starting or stopping aerobic exercise.
Current guidelines also state that adults should engage in moderate or higher intensity muscle strengthening activities that “at least two days a week, involving all major muscle groups.”
“The takeaway message encourages you to consciously strive to include strength training in the week if you’re worried about sleep,” Bulelengtin said. “And by doing both types of exercise, you may get more comprehensive, long-term health benefits and better sleep.”
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