How Obesity Can Immediately Fuel India’s Health Crisis | Delhi News
Low and middle income countries, including India, Obesity epidemicWOF said.
This is what national public health experts have already warned. obesity It is defined as an abnormality or excessive fat accumulation in the body.
Controlling the epidemic of obesity requires the coordinated efforts of policy makers and the masses, according to Dr. Anoop Misra, chairman of Fortis C-Doc. “Instead, there are some opposite behaviors, such as mushrooms in fast food stores, advertising bombings of packaged foods, lack of access to parks and athletic facilities, women’s outdoor exercise problems, and lack of food labeling. “Frustration,” said Misra.
Misla added that an increase in obesity will lead to a surge in non-communicable diseases, primarily diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. At a high-level UN conference in 2011, the government promised to take steps to prevent and treat non-communicable diseases. As part of this framework, obesity has been identified as an important risk factor for NCDs alongside an unhealthy diet.
Later, a goal was set to “stop the increase in obesity at the 2010 level by 2025,” and a similar goal was set for childhood obesity. However, WOF reports that these countries have not put these goals on track catastrophically. “Certainly, as the level of obesity continues to rise, the country is moving away rather than towards its goals. This is currently home to the largest number of obese patients and is effective in obesity and its consequences. It is of particular concern in low- and middle-income countries where the medical system and medical professionals are significantly inadequately prepared for management and treatment. ”
Dr. SK Sarin, Vice-President of the Institute of River and Billy Science, said obesity causes a chronic inflammatory condition in the body. “During Covid-19, we’ve seen how obesity makes people more susceptible to complications. It also applies to other illnesses, such as heart and kidney illnesses and cancer,” Salin said. He said there was a need to raise awareness about the negative effects of obesity and how to prevent it.
One of the main causes of obesity is increased intake of energy-dense foods high in fat and sugar. Obesity can also be hereditary. Dr. Umesh Kapil, President of the Indian Epidemiology Foundation, said consumption of high-calorie diets is increasing, especially despite reduced physical activity levels in children. “The government is taking initiatives such as the Fit India movement and the Eat Right campaign, but we need to do more to control the spread of obesity,” Kapil said.
Johanna Ralston, CEO of WOF, said: The numbers in our report are shocking, but even more shocking is how inadequate our response was. Everyone has a fundamental right to access to prevention, treatment and management. Now is the time for cooperative, decisive and people-centered action to change the course of obesity. ”
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