City of Hope Newport Beach Preaches Recognition of Colorectal Cancer
Godoy is glad to find the City of Hope Newport Beach.
It started with Godoi’s abdominal pain. He was a half marathon runner. He was 35 years old and his body fat was 0.8%. He had no family history of colon cancer and no clues to the upcoming difficulties.
Initially, doctors thought they had colitis. They gave him antibiotics and a liquid diet, but the pain returned when he started eating again. That led to a visit to the emergency room in December 2014.
“my wife [Crystal] I looked at me and asked, “What do you think it is?” Godoi remembered. “Honestly, I think all that’s left is cancer,” I said. She said, “Don’t think about it.” Then the ER doctor came and he looked like he saw a ghost. “
They found a golf ball-sized tumor in his colon, which appeared to have spread the cancer. Godoi, who lives in Mission Viejo, needed emergency surgery. He said he woke up with a 16-inch line from his sternum to below the waistline and a colostomy.
Shortly thereafter, oncologists said he had a three-month survival time. Godoi sought a second opinion, which is where the city of hope entered. He said he was grateful for their friendly approach.
He first made a drive to the city of Hope in Duarte or its Rancho Cucamonga facility, but Godoy has a much shorter commute. City of Hope Newport Beach Since opening in February 2020.
Godoy’s stage 4 colon cancer is now suppressed after undergoing seven surgeries and two large chemotherapy sessions within three years, among other treatments. At the age of 42, he remains active and in good physical condition and is hired full-time as Career Development Manager at BJ’s Restaurants.
The City of Hope wants more success stories. March is national Colorectal Cancer Awareness MonthAnd organizations are encouraging people to be screened early.
Dr. Misakarimi, an oncologist in Newport Beach, Hope, who has worked with Godoi for the past two years, said cases of colon cancer are increasing among young people. He said that one-fifth of the diagnoses of colorectal cancer are in people between the ages of 20 and 54.
“Overall, if you look at the population as a whole, that number is declining,” Karimi said. “Some of them are for screening. But when you look at the young population, the numbers have increased considerably. Most of them do not inherit the anomaly. What really remains is lifestyle.
“Unfortunately, we found that we were sitting longer and spending less time outside of exercise. That affects it. About half of young patients diagnosed with colon cancer are overweight. I understand this.”
According to the National Cancer Institute, about 4.1% of men and women will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer at some point in their lives, based on 2016-18 data. In 2018, it is estimated that more than 1.3 million people in the United States will have colorectal cancer.
Traditional wisdom recommends starting with a colonoscopy as early as 40 years old. But Karimi said preventative measures should start much younger than that.
“If you’re used to a particular lifestyle or diet, it’s really hard to change your behavior at age 40,” he said. “This is what I say to my kids, it starts now. When you are young, you think you are invincible, nothing can touch me, this is for later life That’s not true because you actually start programming yourself at a young age. It’s good to change it suddenly, but definitely, the sooner you get on the preventive train, the better. It’s the best way to approach cancer to prevent it. “
The American Cancer Society guidelines for prevention are to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life and engage in moderate intensity physical activity for 150-300 minutes per week, or intense intensity physical activity for 75-150 minutes. It is recommended. We also recommend a healthy diet pattern that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
” [World Health Organization] It came out a few years ago and said that processed meats are carcinogens, “Karimi said. “It is very important to increase the number of fresh fruits and vegetables and change their ratio.”
Godoy, whose wife gave birth to his son William in September 2015, just before starting chemotherapy, is grateful for the support of his family and friends.
“Many of my goals are my son and wife, and my old way of doing things,” he said. “Is it like exercising again? Can you see my son graduated from second grade, high school or college? Can I be there when he gets married?”
He got off to a good start. Godoi will be competing in a mini triathlon in Pasadena on March 12th next weekend. As an advice, he tells Karimi that it’s good to know the diagnosis as soon as possible.
“It was a pain, but it really shaped me to this person today,” he said. “Cancer is not a joke. I think people should know it. They should understand that you can prevent it … if you get enough information fast enough.”
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