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Ketogenic diets can reduce disabilities and improve an individual’s quality of life | Health

Ketogenic diets can reduce disabilities and improve an individual’s quality of life | Health


Ketogenic diet Recent studies suggest that it may be safe for people with multiple sclerosis (MS). The study also found that people with multiple sclerosis may have less fatigue and depression, and reported improved quality of life during their diet.

A Ketogenic The diet consists of foods such as meat, fish, eggs, cream, butter, oil, bean pods, carrots, broccoli, peppers and other non-deep vegetables. This study was published in the journal “American Academy of Neurology”.

“A fat-rich, protein-rich, and low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet mimics fasting because the body can use fat as its primary source of energy instead of sugar,” said research author J. Nicholas Brent. Said. , MD, a member of the American Academy of Neurology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

Read again: The ketogenic diet may ruin your skin and hair before you lose weight!

“Ketogenic diets help lower blood sugar levels in people with type II diabetes and improve seizure control in people with epilepsy. However, they have not been well studied in people with MS. Diet changes Therefore, in our study, whether eating a ketogenic diet is safe, tolerable, and beneficial to people living with MS. I investigated, “he added.

Sixty-five people diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS were enrolled in this study. Relapsing-remitting MS is the most common form of the disease, characterized by relapse of symptoms followed by a period of remission.

Study participants took a ketogenic diet for 6 months. They consist of 1-2 servings of low-carb proteins such as eggs, fish and meat 2-3 times a day, along with 2-4 tablespoons of fat such as butter, oil, avocado, ghee and heavy cream. I was instructed to eat a ketogenic diet, and 1-2 cups of non-carbohydrate vegetables such as cucumbers, lush greens, and cauliflower.

Snacks were also allowed as long as participants followed the maximum daily carbohydrate allowance of 20 grams. Dietary adherence was monitored by daily urinalysis to measure ketones, a metabolite produced by the body while burning fat. A total of 83% of participants adhered to the diet throughout the study period.

Participants completed tests and surveys to measure disability levels and quality of life before the start of the diet and at 3 and 6 months during the diet.

Researchers found that participants not only lost body fat after 6 months, but also had lower scores for fatigue and depression.

In the quality of life survey, participants were asked questions such as “Have you had a lot of energy in the last few weeks?” “Are you tired?” “Are you a happy person?” And “Did you feel depressed and blue?” The survey provided physical and mental health scores ranging from 0 to 100. , The higher the score, the better the physical and mental health.

The average physical health score of the participants was 67 at the beginning of the study, while the average score at the end of the study was 79. Participants’ mental health scores averaged 71 at the beginning of the survey, compared to 82 at the end of the survey.

The score also improved in the general MS disease progression test. On a scale of 0 to 10, a score of 1 was no disability, 2 was a minimum disability, 3 was a moderate disability but walkable, and the average participant score at the start of the study was 2.3, but at the end it was 1.9. was. .. In the 6-minute walk test, participants walked an average of 1,631 feet at the beginning of the study, compared to 1,733 feet at the end.

Researchers also took blood samples and found that participants had improved levels of inflammatory markers in their blood.

“Our study provides evidence that the ketogenic diet is certainly safe and beneficial and may alleviate some symptoms in people with MS when used for 6 months.” Brenton said.

“But more research is needed because of the potential risks associated with the ketogenic diet, such as kidney stones, digestive problems, and malnutrition. MS people make major changes to their diet. It is important to consult with a doctor before. During the ketogenic diet, it is regularly monitored by the doctor and registered nutrients, “he added.

The limitation of the study was the lack of controls for multiple sclerosis who ate a normal non-ketogenic diet.

This study was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health and the ZiMS Foundation.

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