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Monopoly: Covid-19 Kills Nearly 600 US Healthcare Workers-Tolls Rising | US News


According to Lost on the Frontline, nearly 600 frontline health workers died at Covid-19. A project launched by the Guardian and Kaiser Health News (KHN) to count, identify and commemorate all health care workers who died during a pandemic.

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The count includes critical healthcare support staff such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, hospital caretakers, managers and nursing home workers. Lost at the forefront Currently, we publish the names and obituaries of more than 100 workers.

The majority of those documented were identified primarily as people of African American and Asian/Pacific Islands color. More victim profiles and updated numbers will be added to the news site twice a week.

There is no other comprehensive explanation for the deaths of health care workers in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Counted 368 Covid has died among health care workers, but the count is underestimated. CDC does not identify individuals.

Guardian and KHN are building an interactive, public database that also tracks factors such as race, ethnicity, age, occupation, location and availability of protective clothing for workers. This database will be released this summer and will provide insight into how the database works and its shortcomings. US medical System during a pandemic.

In addition to tracking deaths, Lost at the forefront We will report on the challenges facing healthcare professionals during a pandemic. Given the widespread lack of equipment, many were forced to reuse masks many times. Others had only garbage bags for protection. Some deaths encountered silence or refusal due to an employer being infected at work.

The number released today currently reflects 586 Lost at the forefront An internal database gathered, inter alia, from the deceased’s family, friends, colleagues, media reports, unions and more. Guardian and KHN reporters confirm each death individually by contacting their family, employer, health checker, etc. before publishing the name and death article on the site. Over 12 journalists (including student journalists) in two newsrooms are participating in the project.

This project aims to capture the human story of compassion and heroism behind statistics. Every honored health worker found out that they could be exposed to a virus that killed them just by attending work, starting in 2020.

When the crisis struck, they met the challenge. They set themselves up against a long time. Emergency medical technicians raced for help in the ambulance. Others have done the cleanup, maintenance, security, or transportation jobs necessary to keep your business running smoothly.

They worked with passion and dedication. They were also beloved spouses, parents, friends, military veterans, and community activists.

Some of what is lost Doctor Preah CannaAs a nephrologist, I kept checking the patient’s chart until I put on the ventilator. Her father, a retired surgeon, had the disease a few days after her daughter.

Susana PabataoIs one of the thousands of Filipino healthcare providers in the United States and became a nurse in her late 40s. Susana died a few days after her husband Alfredo was infected with Covid-19.

Dr. James Goodrich Famous pediatric neurosurgeonHighly appreciated for separating the twins that joined, he was also remembered as a Renaissance man who collected antique medical books, loved fine wine, and played didgeridoos.

Some of the first dead were faced with awkward situations at work. Rose Harrison, 60, Registered nurseHer daughter said she didn’t wear a mask while caring for a Covid-19 patient in a nursing home in Alabama. She felt pressure to work until the day she was hospitalized. Nursing homes did not respond to requests for comment.

Thomas Soto, 59, Brooklyn Radiologist Despite his hospital being overwhelmed by Covid-19 patients, he faced delays in access to protective clothing, including his mask, his son said. The hospital did not respond to requests for comment.

The Lost on the Frontline team has documented other worrisome trends. National health workers said Failure In communication, I was unaware that I was working with people who had the virus. Occupational safety experts have also warned about CDC guidance allowing workers who treat Covid-19 patients to wear surgical masks. Weak protection From N95 mask.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the federal agency responsible for protecting workers, has launched dozens of mortality investigations on health worker deaths. But recently Agency notes Raises the question that many employers will be liable for negligence

Survivors have discovered a new way to honor the dead as public health guidelines have largely hindered traditional mourner gatherings. In Manhattan, medical scientists violin A tribute to a colleague who fell. There are 88 pairs of nurses shoes Outside the White House, to commemorate the dead in their ranks. Fire department in order Truck and holding for funeral procession “Last Call” ceremony For EMT.

Lost on the Frontline deaths include only healthcare professionals who may have been exposed while caring for or supporting Covid-19 patients. For example, it does not include retired doctors who died of the virus but did not work during the pandemic.

The number of reported deaths is expected to increase. However, individual deaths may not meet our inclusion criteria, as reporters will work to confirm each case-thus may be removed from our count.

You can read us Click here for the first 100 profiles.. If you know of a health care worker who died of Covid-19, please Share their story With us.


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