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Narcolepsy left the Glasgow teacher unlaughing

Narcolepsy left the Glasgow teacher unlaughing


After fighting the rare illness of laughing and nodding, the teacher was finally able to enjoy the Glasgow pattern.

Heather McFarlane had to turn off an interesting program TV set Also, avoid joking with your child in case you have a bout of narcolepsy, a brain disorder that causes you to fall asleep suddenly at the wrong time.

This is a rare condition, often taking more than 10 years for a patient to be diagnosed, during which time some are dismissed as lazy or unproductive.

At one point she was watching Peter Kay’s routine on TV with her husband in bed. The next moment she looked like she was drifting. But she wasn’t sleeping. Her laughter caused atonic seizures, a symptom of narcolepsy. This meant she was awake, despite her appearance.

Mrs. McFarlane, 47, who lives in Jordan Hill, said: She was terrible. I was still awake and conscious, but I was essentially trapped in my body. ”

She says she first noticed things were wrong in 2010 when she took maternity leave with her third child and struggled to keep awake.

Herald Scotland:

She then realized that emotions such as laughter and smiles could trigger an attack. The muscles of her face will hang down and her legs will give way.

In her job, teaching children with additional needs at Hazelwood School, she retreated to the toilet of the staff she fell asleep. Her people talked to her, she had a hard time keeping her awake, and she had to give up driving the school bus.

She said. “That was horrible. When I laughed, there was some sort of shutdown, as if it had restarted in an instant. It was like it went off and back again.

“I had to stop watching interesting things on TV and avoiding interesting situations with my kids.

“I saw some of me disappear. I even had to learn to act as a different kind of mom.”

It is estimated that about 30,000 people in the UK suffer from narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a perceived disorder that can cause vibrant dreams, poor memory, unconscious behavior, and obesity.

He turned to his doctor for help and was referred to a specialized team at the Royal Glasgow Clinic in 2013 for a final diagnosis.

There is no cure for the condition, but the team worked to find the best clinical treatment, as well as the other support needed to help Heather continue to work and lead a more “normal” life. ..

Margaret Dougherty, a sleep clinic nurse practitioner, is a pioneer in therapeutic approaches for colleagues across Europe seeking expertise.

She states: “Narcolepsy can have a completely devastating impact on people’s lives. It finds the right treatments and support for them, from psychological support to medication, and their lives and needs. It’s to understand. My driving force is how to improve things for people. That’s important. ”

Herald Scotland:

The team prescribed oxybate sodium, a purified form of GHB that suppresses the central nervous system, as part of a series of treatments to help Heather wake up during the day and sleep at night.

“It was a game changer in many different ways,” Heather added. “I was able to regain a part of my life.”

Dr. Eric Livingston, Clinic Respiratory Consultant and Clinical Leader, said: Tired or lazy.

“We’ve been told for 30 years to be lazy before getting a diagnosis, but we can support them and get them back to full life again.”

Dr. Livingston paid tribute to his team, especially Margaret. He added: “I deal with narcolepsy and clinical symptoms, but the services Margaret offers are unique.

“She can see the big picture of how it affects people’s lives. She did a great job with these patients, and our service is a pioneer in offering new medicines. And that makes a really positive difference. ”

Mrs. McFarlane continues to work with the support of her colleagues. She keeps her beanbag in her hands in case of infrequent attacks. She also found a way to smile and laugh.

She added: “The team was great. Living in Glasgow is difficult and we have to avoid interesting things. Now we don’t have to.”




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