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Gluten-free ways to increase fiber intake

Gluten-free ways to increase fiber intake


Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye grains. In traditional breads made from wheat flour, gluten forms a protein network, making the dough cohesive and stretchy, typically providing a satisfying, chewy bread.Eileenson / New York Times News Service

Q: I avoid eating gluten for health reasons. How can I get enough fiber without wheat?

Fiber can be a nutrient that is difficult to obtain from a gluten-free diet. This is because whole grains containing gluten, such as wheat, rye and barley, are an excellent source of fiber.

Similarly, many gluten-free processed breads, crackers, cereals and snack foods are made from low-fiber flour and refined tapioca, corn, rice and potato starch.

Removing gluten, however, does not have to lead to a lack of beneficial fiber. A guide to getting plenty of roughage from a gluten-free diet.

Why is it a gluten-free diet?

A gluten-free diet is essential for people with celiac disease, a lifelong hereditary disorder that occurs when gluten attacks the body’s immune system and damages the lining of the small intestine.

People who do not have celiac disease but have a poor response to gluten also benefit from a gluten-free diet. Non-celiac gluten hypersensitivity can cause symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, and headache.

Others recognize that a gluten-free diet is healthier than a gluten-containing diet, so they may drop gluten. (Not necessarily true.)

Reasons to focus on textiles

A diet high in fiber can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer. Foods rich in fiber can also help you manage your weight by keeping you from getting bored longer.

Getting enough fiber also benefits your digestive health by helping to prevent constipation and reduce your risk of diverticulitis. Diverticulitis occurs when a small balloon-like bag on the wall of the large intestine, called the diverticulum, becomes inflamed.

Eating a lot of fiber also supports a healthy gut flora, a community of microorganisms present in our large intestine.

Established by the United States-based National Academy of Medicine, the recommended daily dietary fiber is 25 g for women aged 19-50 years and 21 g for women older. Men aged 19-50 are advised to consume 38g of fiber daily. Older men should aim for 30g.

Gluten-free foods rich in dietary fiber

Whether or not you avoid gluten, the following fiber-rich foods are a valuable addition to your diet. Although not listed below, fruits and vegetables are, of course, gluten-free fiber sources.

Gluten-free whole grains. Brown rice and quinoa are gluten-free grains that provide 3g and 5g of fiber per cup of cooking, respectively. However, there are other whole grains that supply even more fiber.

An ancient grain that looks like a small bowl, sorghum supplies 9g of fiber per cooked cup. It is also an excellent source of iron, vitamin B6, nicotinic acid and magnesium.

Teff, a type of millet, provides 7 g of fiber per cup cooked, 10 g of protein, plenty of magnesium, and manganese for more than a day, a mineral needed for immune function and bone health. ..

Other high fiber gluten-free grains include amaranth, buckwheat, millet and oats.

Enjoy gluten-free cooked grains as hot cereals or add them to your smoothie bowl. Blend cooked grains into muffins and pancake batters, toss in salads, add to grain bowls, stir in soups, stews, curries, or use as pepper stuffing.

High fiber powder. Gluten-free flour made from amaranth, teff, quinoa, chickpeas, coconuts, buckwheat and almonds is used for baking and cooking.

Chickpea flour provides 20 grams of fiber per cup and folic acid, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Amaranth flour is 16 g of fiber per cup and is also an excellent source of protein (20 g per cup), iron and calcium. One cup of almond flour contains 12-16 g of fiber (depending on how finely ground the almonds are) and provides iron, calcium and brain-friendly vitamin E.

For comparison, 1 cup of whole wheat flour as 12.8 g of fiber.

Each gluten-free flour has its own unique baking properties that may require experimentation to get the correct proportions.

pulse. Beans (eg black beans, focus beans, chickpeas), lentils, and dried beans supply large quantities of 14-16g of fiber per cup. As with soybeans, it’s technically not a pulse. Serve beans with salads, soups, chili peppers, stews, curries and tacos.

Alternately use low fiber brown rice and quinoa pasta (3g fiber per 85g dry) and pasta made from lentils, black beans, chickpeas and edamame (9-20g fiber per 85g).

Chia seeds. All nuts and seeds provide fiber, but chia seeds stand out: 10g per 2 tablespoons. Add chia to the smoothie, mix with yogurt, bake on muffins, sprinkle on oatmeal and salad, or make chia pudding.

Leslie Beck, a Toronto-based private dietitian, is the director of food and nutrition at Medcan. Follow her on her Twitter @LeslieBeckRD

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