The number of teens visiting the ER due to eating disorders during a pandemic has doubled
- According to a new report from the CDC, more children and teens are going to the emergency department because of their mental health status.
- The number of teenage girls going to the ER due to eating disorders almost doubled during the pandemic.
- Experts say that pandemic stress and fear may have increased the risk of developing eating disorders in teens.
Throughout the pandemic, COVID-19-related lockdown, social isolation, and relentless anxiety and fear have caused a surge in mental health associated with depression, anxiety, and trauma between children and teenagers. rice field.
The percentage of mental health visits for children aged 5 to 11 increased by 24% from March to October 2020 and increased by 31% during adolescence between the ages of 12 and 17.
The rate of ER visits associated with eating disorders has doubled among adolescent women.
According to researchers, lack of structure in teenagers’ daily lives, mental distress, and fluctuations in food availability may have contributed to increased eating disorders.
In addition, concerns about the onset or spread of COVID-19 may delay care and treatment at the onset of a pandemic in some patients with mental health conditions, and symptoms may worsen over time.
“Eating disorders can develop at any time. Adding COVID stress and uncertainty to the mix can be disastrous,” he said. Allison ChasePhD, Eating Disorder Experts and Clinical Psychologists Eat a recovery center..
According to Chase, eating disorders had increased before the pandemic.
In less than 10 years, the rate of eating disorders 119% Children under 12 years old.Anorexia nervosa is currently the third most common Common chronic illness Among adolescents after asthma and obesity, Chase said.
The National Association of Eating Disorders From March 2020 to October 2021, calls, text messages and chat increased by 58%.
Chase says social isolation and blockades are likely to have fueled eating disorders.
“Eating disorders are isolated and prosper in secret, so a pandemic could have exacerbated that of some people,” Chase said.
Eating disorder experts also believe that the uncertainty, fear, and anxiety associated with COVID-19 also contribute to eating disorders.
“It makes sense for people who are prone to anxiety, as seen in people suffering from eating disorders, to have increased emotional discomfort and increased eating disorders,” Chase said. Told.
Erin ParksPhD, Clinical Psychologist, Chief Clinical Officer of Virtual Eating Disorder Treatment Provider EquipmentSchool closures have created social isolation for teenagers, which has caused them to spend more time on social media.
“”Research has recently surfaced It shows how social media can worsen poor body image, promote food culture, and cause eating disorders, “says Parks.
In addition, many families experience financial stress and eating disorders tend to increase during periods of food insecurity, Parks said.
Teenagers with eating disorders tend to compare their appearance, shape, and size to others.
Behavioral changes that accompany changes in appearance are also common.
“Often, children suffering from body image problems withdraw from social activities and show inappropriate or excessive sadness, anger, and guilt,” Chase said.
Some people suddenly say that they limit the amount of food they eat or that they don’t like certain foods they have enjoyed before.
Hiding food, eating a secret meal, starting a new meal, being obsessed with physical activity, and going to the bathroom after a meal are also common signs. Ally WeiserPsyD, National Alliance Education and Resource Manager for Eating Disorders.
Parks recommends booking with your child’s pediatrician or family doctor.
“Doctors will want to check their height, weight, vital signs, and may require lab work or EKG,” Parks said.
Before process Can be more effective once it is started.
Weiser recommends that parents take the time to learn more Eating disorders.. Many resources are available to help guide parents and their children with eating disorders.
Parks has some of her favorites National Association of Eating Disorders, Project heel, National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Related DisordersWhen FEAST..
“Please check your child’s feelings, struggle and express your support,” Weiser said.
Beware of the stigma and shame that surrounds eating disorders. Approach the conversation from a curious place and avoid judgment and criticism, Park said.
Let the children understand that they didn’t choose to develop an eating disorder — they are biopsychosocial and brain-based illnesses, Weiser said.
Finally, pay attention to and consider your own physical and mental health Join a support group To handle your own emotions and find a way to deal with when you help your child recover.
According to a new report from the CDC, the proportion of emergency room visits associated with eating disorders doubled among adolescent women during a pandemic. Increased eating disorders can be attributed to the social isolation, fear, and uncertainty that many felt during a pandemic.
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