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Why your spring allergies may start earlier this year

Why your spring allergies may start earlier this year


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Medical professionals say there are many ways to manage seasonal allergies.Real People Group / Getty Images
  • Spring increase in pollen can lead to allergic symptoms.
  • These allergies can be mistaken for viral infections.
  • Thanks to climate change, the season of allergies has come earlier.
  • Several factors can exacerbate allergic symptoms, including air quality, changes in the immune system, and levels of exposure to pollen.
  • Strategies for controlling seasonal allergies include avoidance, medication, and immunotherapy.

Spring means that plants sprout quickly and bring new life to life. However, if seasonal allergies occur, allergic symptoms may recur.

Seasonal allergies Pollen, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, is a reaction to pollen, a yellowish powder that accumulates in cars in the spring.

pollen Produced by conical and flowering plants as part of reproduction. Pollen grains need to move from the anthers to the stigma of the plant in order for the plant to produce fruits and seeds.

Insects can often pick up and transfer pollen, while other plants release pollen into the air, where it is carried by the wind. This is the main cause of seasonal allergic symptoms.

When you touch pollen, your immune system mistakes it for an intruder.

It then responds to this perceived invader by releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause overt symptoms of allergies such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and watery eyes.

There is no cure for seasonal allergies, but they can be treated and managed.

Here’s what you need to know to stay one step ahead of them this spring:

We may still be thinking about the virus when allergic symptoms begin to recur, as the peaks of winter colds, flu, and Omicron coronavirus variants are just behind.

Dr. Samuel FriedlanderCase Western Reserve University Allergist and Clinical Assistant Professor said allergies can be difficult to distinguish from viral infections, including COVID-19, due to overlapping symptoms such as sinus congestion, headache, sneezing, and coughing. I said there is. ..

“This highlights the importance of allergy testing to help diagnose and manage seasonal allergies,” said Friedlander. “When testing in non-invasive skin tests, we are often surprised to find answers that we did not expect, and this helps to treat my patients better.”

Friedlander pointed out that there are symptoms that suggest COVID-19 rather than allergies, such as fever and loss of taste and smell.

In addition, he said it might be useful to know what your consistent seasonal triggers are. Symptoms at the same time as these triggers may indicate a diagnosis of allergies.

Dr. Monica T. CraftA clinical assistant professor of allergies and immunology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, said the season of allergies could come earlier than before.

“Climate change has made pollen seasons earlier and longer in some parts of the United States,” Kraft said. “In a warm climate, pollen will be scattered as early as February.”

according to report According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation (AAFA), the pollen season has been extended by 11 to 27 days due to rising temperatures in the United States between 1995 and 2010.

The report states that these warmer temperatures produce more aerial pollen, stronger aerial allergens, and more allergic symptoms.

Kraft said there are several reasons why your allergic symptoms may get worse.

For example, different numbers of pollen and time spent outdoors can lead to more pollen exposure.

Factors that are not directly related to allergies, such as air quality, pollution, and changes in weather, can also affect and exacerbate nasal symptoms.

Friedlander added that changes in the immune system can also exacerbate allergic symptoms.

“Allergies can change over time, so there are some particularly bad years,” he said.

Another thing to keep in mind, according to Friedlander, is that if you stop wearing the COVID-19 mask, your symptoms may get better or worse.

“Masks not only helped people with allergies, but also made them worse for others,” Friedlander said. “Masks help get rid of allergens and infections, but others have difficulty breathing and sinuses.”

He believes that as more masks are lifted, exposure to allergies increases.

“There is no reason to suffer. Allergy providers have great treatments,” Friedlander said. “They can help you feel better and even prevent the onset of symptoms in the first place.”

Kraft further explained that allergy treatment consists of three parts: avoidance, dosing, and immunotherapy.

Pollen cannot be completely avoided, but Kraft said that keeping the windows of a house or car closed can minimize exposure.

Nasal drops and antihistamines can also relieve symptoms, she said.

You can also get professional help from an allergist. Allergists can help identify the cause of allergies and plan treatment through skin and blood tests.

Treatment may include medication, immunotherapy, or both.

Immunotherapy consists of either allergic shots or tablets that target allergies and reduce their sensitivity over time.




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