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2022 World Kidney Day: Diabetes can damage the kidneys.Watch out for warning signs | Health

2022 World Kidney Day: Diabetes can damage the kidneys.Watch out for warning signs | Health


World Kidney Day 2022: If You Are Suffering Diabetes mellitus Poor blood sugar control for a long time can increase the risk of kidney damage. Diabetes gradually affects the kidneys, and it is difficult to detect warning signs at first. When blood sugar levels stay in the bloodstream for long periods of time, they can slowly damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, making it difficult for the body to perform its function of removing waste products and excess water. (Read again: Do you have diabetes?Follow what these Ayurveda should and should not do).

There are several ways diabetes can contribute Kidney damage Blood vessels leak, urinary retention in the bladder, and increased bacterial growth.Sadly, in the early stages of diabetes, there are no visible symptoms Kidney disease Only regular inspections can help detect problems.

In diabetes, there are many mechanisms that contribute to kidney damage. An increase in sugar content blocks the glomerulus, which narrows it. Therefore, blood flow is reduced and the kidneys are slowly damaged. It also makes it easier for blood vessels to leak and loses protein in the urine. Diabetes damages the nerves that innervate the bladder, which causes the bladder to lose its fullness, causing urinary retention and increased back pressure on the kidneys. This also increases the risk of urinary tract infections, “said Dr. Aarti Ulllal, an endocrinology consultant at Global Hospital in Parel, Mumbai.

High sugar content in the urine causes the bacteria to grow rapidly, causing recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), which also contributes to progressive damage to the kidneys, Dr. Ural said.

How to early diagnose diabetic nephropathy

“A simple urine test called the urine-albumin creatinine ratio (U-ACR) can detect the presence of protein (albumin) in the urine. Microalbumin urine (albumin in the urine) can be easily picked up and treated. One of the first signs: a glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) test determines the ability of the kidneys to filter waste products, “says Dr. Ulral.

Symptoms of late diabetic nephropathy

As the disease progresses, symptoms begin to appear. Your feet and hands may swell, your urine may foam, and you may feel tired.

“At a later stage, you may experience swelling of your ankles, feet, hands, bubbling urine (due to the presence of albumin), blood in the urine (rare), shortness of breath, nausea, and persistent fatigue among other symptoms. There is, “says an expert.

How long does diabetes take to cause kidney damage?

“In type 1 diabetes, functional damage to the kidneys begins 2-5 years after diagnosis and can take 10-30 years to progress, while in type 2 diabetes, kidneys can be affected at diagnosis. Yes, but the progression is similar to that of people with type 1 diabetes .. Kidney disease screening should be done annually, “says Dr. Ulral.

How is renal failure in diabetics treated?

“Kidney failure is treated with renal replacement therapy such as hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Kidney transplantation is another treatment option for end-stage kidney disease, “says doctors.

Healthy lifestyle changes to prevent kidney disease

* A healthy diet and a small amount of frequent meals are recommended. Incorporate vegetable and lean protein into your diet to reduce sugar, oily and processed food consumption. High sodium content causes fluid retention and therefore consumes less salt.

* Stop smoking and chewing tobacco as it can exacerbate kidney damage.

* Significantly reduce alcohol consumption to avoid damage to the kidneys.

* Regular exercise is essential. We recommend moderate intensity exercise for at least 20 minutes daily, at least 5 days a week. Being active helps the body make better use of insulin and glucose and improves glycemic control.

* Maintain weight

* Control blood pressure and cholesterol to reduce the risk of kidney disease, heart disease and stroke. Take antihypertensive and lipid medications on a regular basis.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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