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Roseland Community Hospital resumes mobile dental program, bringing exams and education to young South Cider

Roseland Community Hospital resumes mobile dental program, bringing exams and education to young South Cider


Roseland — Far Southside Hospital is bringing dental education to young Chicagoers and their parents, including work in parts of the Southside where access to routine dental care has long been lacking.

The Roseland Community Hospital Mobile Dental Clinic is back in February after a break during a pandemic. According to hospital leaders, dental van staff are again providing young people and their families with dental examinations, cleaning and goods bags equipped with toothbrushes and other hygiene products.

Patients in the mobile clinic undergo a 6-month medical examination, and staff will refer the patient to a local dentist if more complex care is needed.

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Young participants at the Mobile Dental Clinic at Roseland Community Hospital board a mobile dental van.

Antwone Belt, an assistant director from Roseland who oversees the program, said the clinic will improve access to dental care for children and parents in his hometown.

Belt said he had teeth that looked like “Chicago skyscrapers” when he was young, and his companions made fun of him. However, he received dental treatment in high school and began to pursue health care. Today, Rose Land’s Mobile Clinic allows others to pursue proper oral health care.

“Children can learn proper dental hygiene, and parents can probably learn some things they didn’t know,” Belt said. “”[We can] Don’t be ashamed of what your teeth look like, accept them, and turn negatives into positives, as you may have been teased at school like I do. “

Belt and the team also work with day care workers and parents to teach children how to instill good dental care habits and maintain better health throughout their lives.

“It’s like a dream, it’s a dream come true,” Belt said. “You really have a relationship with your community, so people who know what Rose Land was like and what we are doing are actually involved with these people. “

The Mobile Dental Clinic was launched in 2013. With a grant from the Washington Square Health Foundation, the hospital was able to launch a mobile dental program and secure a signed van.

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Participants in the Mobile Dental Clinic receive dental treatment.

Belt believes that the Mobile Dental Clinic is a long-needed public service for Rose Land, which has historically restricted access to equitable medical care and information.

“Many of these things that other neighborhoods and communities may have to look at regularly and consistently, we weren’t given those types of opportunities,” Belt said. “That’s why the dental program is so essential because we can go to you.”

With the Mobile Dental Clinic returning to operations in Rose Land and other communities, Belt hopes he and his colleagues will be able to continue to serve for years to come.

“I want to continue that message every year,” Belt said. “It’s not a number. It’s about education. I want to continue that trend and make people understand that Rose Land Hospital really values ​​our activities. We I want to save lives, promote people in the best possible way, and help them become the best version of themselves. “

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Thank you for subscribing to Block Club Chicago, a newsroom run by an independent 501 (c) (3) journalist.All 10 cent coins that make money we report from the Chicago neighborhood.. click here To support the block club Donations that are tax deductible.

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