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COVID-19: LHSC ICU has 5 or less COVID adults and MLHU has 92 additional cases

COVID-19: LHSC ICU has 5 or less COVID adults and MLHU has 92 additional cases


Jump destination: hospitalization – – Case and test – – Outbreak – – vaccination – – Ontario – – Elgin and Oxford – – Huron and Perth – – Sarnia and Lambton


  • Person concerned with Middlesex-London Health Unit Zero new deaths, 92 confirmed in laboratory COVID-19 case.. However, keep in mind that the number of cases is considered underestimated due to test limitations and widespread transmission.
  • and London Health Science CenterAs of Wednesday, 41 inpatients with COVID-19 are being treated. Of these, less than 5 are receiving critical care for adults.
  • LHSC reported from 130 cases on Tuesday to 140 cases of active staff on Wednesday.
  • Ontario announced on Wednesday that it would lift its mask obligations on many indoor public facilities on March 21st. Lift all COVID-related directives and orders on April 27


The London Health Sciences Center reported on Wednesday that it was treating 41 inpatients with COVID-19 and had less than 5 adult critical care treatments. 42 last Wednesday, In addition, there are less than 5 people in the adult life-saving emergency.

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According to LHSC, less than 5 of COVID-19 inpatients are in children’s hospitals and 0 are in pediatric critical care. Last week, there were less than 5 COVID inpatients in the children’s hospital and less than 5 in the pediatric critical care center.

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“We have to move on,” says Dougford, when Ontario announced the relaxation of Maskman Date.

Of the 41 inpatients with COVID-19, 15 are being treated for COVID-19 and 26 are being treated for COVID-19. In other words, I was hospitalized for an infectious disease other than COVID-19, but an accidental infection was found.

Currently, LHSC has at least 140 staff cases active. There was no data last Wednesday.

In St. Joseph Healthcare London, authorities reported 54 active cases among healthcare professionals, all at the Parkwood Institute’s main building, along with cases of 3 patients or residents. Cases of the same number of staff were reported last Wednesday, but only two cases or resident cases were reported at that time.

Case and test

The Middlesex-London Health Unit did not report any new COVID-19-related deaths on Wednesday, but added 92 cases. Last wednesdayMLHU reported 1 death and 79 cases.

Due to changes in PCR eligibility, daily case numbers are not considered a fully reliable reflection of COVID-19 activity in the region.

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So far, four deaths have been reported in March.

Click to play video:'COVID-19: ONE Canada asks government to share more vaccines to prevent new variants'

COVID-19: ONE Canada urges government to share more vaccines to prevent new variants

COVID-19: ONE Canada urges government to share more vaccines to prevent new variants – February 2, 2022

The health department states that there have been 32,334 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began. At least 592 were active (8 increase) and 31,389 resolved (83 increase). A total of 353 deaths have been reported (no change).

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Ontario will lift mask obligations on March 21st in most settings and all directives will be removed by April 27th.

The positive test rate for the week of February 20 was 12.6%, up from the revised 11.2% of the previous week. Updated numbers are expected this week.

The Middlesex-London Health Unit states that individuals experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should consider themselves positive for COVID-19 and self-isolate.

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Provided by the health unit Information about what to do If symptoms occur, they may have been tested positive by a rapid or PCR test, or may have been exposed to a person who tested positive.

LHSC officials on Monday Curling Heights Assessment Center We will start offering COVID-19 therapeutic agents including the following PaxlovidOutpatient base to those at high risk of serious outcomes from COVID-19.


As of Wednesday, LHSC has one active outbreak, including 12 patients and 11 staff cases, at the U8 General Surgery 100/200/300 in a university hospital declared on February 28.

LHSC updates the outbreak data on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays unless the outbreak is declared or resolved.

In addition, MLHU reports the following active systematic outbreaks:

  • Ashwood Manners, Whole Facility, Declared February 22
  • Chelsea Park, 4th Floor-Wing, Declared March 4th
  • Facility-wide Chelsea Park Retirement Community Declares March 4
  • Horizon Place for the entire facility, declared February 24
  • Kensington Village Retirement, 8th Avenue, Declared February 18


As of the end of March 5, 90.8% of residents over the age of 5 received at least one COVID-19 vaccine and 87.5% received two doses. It has increased from 90.7% and 87.3%, respectively. one week before.

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On the third dose, 50.2% of people over the age of 5 received booster immunity, up from 49.8% a week ago. Please note that people between the ages of 12 and 17 are eligible for the third dose as of February 18, and those under the age of 12 are not yet eligible.

Graph showing the vaccination status of residents in the MLHU area as of March 5, 2022.

Via Middlesex-London Health Unit

For children aged 5 to 11 years, the initial dose was 60.1%, up from 59.8% a week ago, and 42.7% received two doses.

More information on vaccinations in the MLHU area, and other COVID-19 related information, You can find it on the Health Unit website.

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The state reported on Wednesday that it was in a hospital with 751 people at COVID. At the ICU, there were 241 people, but at the hospital a week ago, there were 847 and 273 people.

Of the 751 hospitalized, 46% were hospitalized for COVID and the rest were hospitalized for other reasons, but tested positive for the virus. Of the 241 ICUs, 82% were hospitalized for COVID.

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Ontario COVID Number: 751 in hospital, 241 in intensive care unit

Ontario also reported that it underestimates the cases identified by 1,947 new tests through it, given widespread infections and limited testing.

Click to play video:'COVID-19: Ontario will release Maskman Date in most settings March 21, all directives by April 27'

COVID-19: Ontario lifts mask obligations in most settings on March 21st and lifts all directives by April 27th

COVID-19: Ontario lifts mask obligations in most settings on March 21st and lifts all directives by April 27th

To date, a total of 12,618 pandemics have occurred and an additional 27 virus-related deaths have been reported.

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But the state said that From friday it excludes death Those whose COVID-19 infection did not cause or contribute to their death.

Elgin and Oxford

Southwestern Public Health publishes updates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, excluding public holidays.

The health unit did not report the death of the new COVID-19 on Wednesday, but reported cases confirmed by 61 additional tests from the total on Monday. last weekSWPH reported no deaths, 33 cases.

There were seven COVID-19 hospitalizations on Wednesday, four ICU inpatients five times a week ago, compared to four in the intensive care unit.

The positive test rate for the week of February 20 was 13.1%, up from 11.7% the previous week.

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read more:

Ontario to remove accidental deaths from COVID-19 data reports

SWPH reported on Wednesday:

  • 11,417 cases (up 61 cases from Monday)
  • 213 active cases (up 13 from Monday)
  • 11,055 resolved cases (up 182 from Monday. Please note that SWPH will clear all cases after 10 days regardless of the result)
  • So far, a total of 149 people have died (no change)

The latest reported death was on February 25, involving a woman in her 60s from Oxford County.

Health unit officials reported one active systematic outbreak in Woodstock’s Chartwell Oxford Gardens. Declared on March 2, it includes eight resident cases and three employee cases.

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COVID-19: Ford supports ending mask obligations in Ontario, stating that the use of masks should be a “personal choice”

COVID-19: Ford supports ending mask obligations in Ontario, stating that the use of masks should be a “personal choice”

As of March 7, 80.9% of people over the age of 5 in the region have been vaccinated twice and 83.6% have been vaccinated at least once.

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More information on where and how to get vaccinated You can find it on the Health Unit website..Health unit encouraged people to participate in it Same-day vaccination listProvides the remaining dose for cancellation or no-show.

Huron and Perth

On Wednesday, Huron Perth Public Health reported one patient admitted for COVID-19 and zero cases were considered active. Last wednesdayThe Health Unit reported 4 COVID inpatients and 3 cases were considered active.

In total, HPPH has reported 5,773 cases (27 increase) and 94 deaths (no change) so far.

The test positive rate for the week of February 20 was 7.7%, down from 9.0% the previous week.

read more:

Ontario changes COVID-19 quarantine guidelines for close contact

HPPH reported a total of 712 health care workers since March 2020, an increase of 3 from Tuesday.

As of March 6, 84.2% of residents over the age of 5 had at least one COVID-19 vaccination and 81% had two vaccinations.

The third exposure rate is 52.3% over 5 years old. However, those under the age of 12 have not yet received the third dose, and those between the ages of 12 and 17 are only eligible for booster immunization as of February 18.

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You can find information on how and where to get the vaccine On the Health Unit website.

Sarnia and Lambton

Bluewater Health admitted seven patients with confirmed COVID-19 as of Wednesday, and reported that one was in the ICU. Last wednesdayBluewater Health had 6 COVID inpatients, one of whom was in the ICU.

According to health officials, the average ICU occupancy in the area was 63% in the week of February 27, up from 50% in the week of February 20.

read more:

Quebec reports six new COVID-19 deaths as hospitalizations decline

Lambton Public Health publishes case information on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The health unit reported 2 deaths and 43 cases on Wednesday, for a total of 128 deaths and 9,957 cases.

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COVID-19 update

COVID-19 update

Two active outbreaks have been reported in the “aggregate setting” at the care facilities of St. Francis Advocate in Port Franks and Trillium Villa in Sarnia. Both were declared on February 25, with less than 5 cases for residents and less than 5 cases for staff or visitors.

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The positive test rate for the week of February 20 was 14.7%, down from 18.1% the previous week.

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Guelph’s top document to lift its own Maskman date, which took place months before state-wide policy

Of the local population over the age of 5, 83% have been vaccinated at least once, 80% have been vaccinated twice, and 49% have been vaccinated a third time. Please note that people under the age of 12 are not currently eligible for a third dose.

Residents can book and rebook the COVID-19 vaccine and find information about vaccine availability at pharmacies. Use the health unit registration page.. People can also contact the Vaccine Call Center at 226-254-8222.

Those who can be vaccinated with urgent notice are advised to sign up for Lamton Public Health Daily Vaccine standby list..

— Using Global News Gabby Rodrigues and Matthew Trevisick files

© 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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