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Researchers say it detects early signs of dementia that are important for stopping the onset of dementia

Researchers say it detects early signs of dementia that are important for stopping the onset of dementia


Imagine being told that you had dementia 20 years ago and starting treatment to prevent it.

A young doctor reaching out for an older woman

Photo: 123RF

Dementia advocates emphasize the urgent need for further research on the disease, which is projected to affect 170,000 New Zealanders by 2050, so one long-term study makes it a reality. I hope to get closer to.

Dr. Brigit Ryan of the University of Auckland Brain Research Center said the best time to treat dementia is ideally before symptoms appear.

She leads a study of genetic frontotemporal dementia in New Zealand. This study aims to identify the signs that the body develops in the early stages of the disease.

“The process of these illnesses has been going on for a very long time before we reach the turning point that actually causes the symptoms,” Ryan said.

“Therefore, there is a real opportunity that could be intervened to prevent the onset of these symptoms. That is the focus of our research and identifies the very early stages where prevention and intervention are possible. doing.”

A unique long-term study began with a woman who knew that the illness was happening in her family and donated her brain to the Brain Research Center.

Frontotemporal dementia It’s not as common as Alzheimer’s disease, but it’s devastating. Changes in someone’s personality, behavior, or language ability are early warning signs and can be triggered well before the age of 65.

And it can run with the family, just like Auckland’s Farnau Part of the study..

Ryan said dementia creeps up over time.

“There are certain proteins that are becoming dysfunctional, and they are basically accumulating inside the brain and in certain areas of the brain that are involved in certain functions.

“Over time, this accumulation reaches a turning point, where these symptoms become apparent.

“But for a very long time, we can see these changes starting to happen.”

Ryan hopes that what her team has discovered in the study can be applied more broadly to the general public and, ultimately, to be able to screen and treat illnesses before they affect their lives. is.

She said studying early changes was the first step-the second is a drug that treats the disease, and that study is underway.

Now about 70,000 New Zealanders suffer from dementiaHowever, our population is aging and its number is expected to surge to 170,000 within the next 30 years.

Health professionals warn that it puts unbearable pressure on our healthcare system and costs nearly $ 6 billion annually.

New Zealand with Alzheimer’s disease CEO Catherine Hall said further research on the disease is essential.

“The amount of money spent on research on dementia in New Zealand is terribly inadequate,” she said.

“And that’s a real problem because there are so many people affected by dementia. Here in New Zealand, many people develop dementia and many families are affected by dementia.

“It only gets worse as our population grows older.”

Supporter As the pandemic further expands its scarce resources, it is being called upon to increase government support for this sector.

Bonnie Robinson, Chairman of the New Zealand Christian Social Services Council and Chief Executive of HBH Senior Living in Auckland, said that many older people in need of care have varying degrees of cognitive decline, including dementia. I said I have it.

She said she needed more money to help her caregiver, but it is still essential that older people do not feel lonely, restless or bored.

“To live a life, you need meaning and purpose, dating, and a sense that people know who you are.

“So, surrounding our attitude,’What are we there to do?'”

“We are there to help people lead a really good life, and then we need the resources to be able to do it.”

Community providers are increasingly helping people with dementia, but they also need help, Robinson said.




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