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After a stroke, a man’s tongue mysteriously becomes black and hairy

After a stroke, a man’s tongue mysteriously becomes black and hairy


It was patina of the mouth.

Indian doctors remained indignant at the strange incident of black hair covering their tongue after suffering a stroke.His tough taste buds were detailed Journal Jama Dermatology Wednesday According to a doctor at Medical Trust Hospital in Kochi, Kerala.

They reported that the hair-growth adventure of a patient in his fifties began to move after a stroke, which paralyzed his left side and prevented his chewing, Live science reported..

As a result, the doctor put him in a completely fluid diet, and a few months later, the flickering of his lollipop developed a layer of black hair.

The dermatologist then takes a mucus sample and “black hairy tongue” (or Black hair tongue),here Filamentous papillae — Small conical protrusions on the tongue, including taste buds — It expands and discolors due to the accumulation of debris and bacteria. This gives them the appearance of hair, and it can grow to a length of almost an inch if the tongue is not rubbed regularly.

Stretch-worthy illnesses, most commonly affecting adults over the age of 40, are often due to poor oral hygiene. However, LVN is also associated with medicines such as penicillin and tetracycline, certain brands of mouthwash, and the use of tobacco and alcohol.

State known as "Black hair tongue" (Lingua villosa nigra) is when the filiform papillae (small conical protrusions of the tongue, including the taste buds) expand and discolor due to the accumulation of debris and bacteria.
The condition known as the “hairy bat” (lingua villosa nigra) occurs when the filiform papillae, which are small conical protrusions of the tongue containing taste buds, expand and discolor due to the accumulation of debris and bacteria.

Men’s soft and liquid diets are thought to have caused this condition because they do not damage the surface of the tongue like hard ones.

And while this patina is generally harmless, the patient sought treatment after the tongue had a yellow stain due to food clogging the fur.

Fortunately, doctors were able to trim these lingual locks. According to the case report, “Patients and caregivers were advised on proper cleansing measures and the discoloration disappeared after 20 days.”

Despite its alien-looking symptoms, LVN is actually 1 and very common3% of adults experience this condition in their lifetimeAccording to the American Academy of Oral Medicine.

To prevent the stamp moisturizer from growing a beard, Doctors recommend washing with a toothbrush or tongue cleaner twice a day.. In other words, you should brush your tongue to avoid the need to comb it.

and Hairy situation in 2018 as wellA 55-year-old woman suffered from hairy at tongue syndrome after taking antibiotics to treat a wound she suffered during a car accident.




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