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Doctors warn that teargas and pepper sprays will accelerate the spread of Covid-19 | US News


Doctors, nurses, and sick professionals are accelerating large-scale demonstrations of police atrocities, so calming the crowd with tear gas and pepper sprays will accelerate the spread of the coronavirus and help police tactics. A brown American warns that it could exacerbate a pandemic that has already disproportionately paid for black and white.

About 1,300 health care providers and public health professionals this week as law enforcement officers fire chemical stimulants and smoke plumes to crush Minneapolis, Philadelphia, New York and many other demonstrators. The house signed a petition requesting police to stop using chemicals in American cities.

“When tackling a demonstration against white hegemony, our first statement must be one of our unwavering support for those trying to dismantle, uproot, or reform the racism system.” Open letter.. “Thus, we propose the following guidelines to support public health.”

Public health professionals and civil rights advocates have opposed the use of tear gas, a deadly chemical weapon, especially for the elderly and people with underlying illnesses such as asthma. Various international and Geneva Conventions prohibit their use in international warfare.

Officials in some cities have agreed to curb their use. On Friday, the Seattle mayor announced a 30-day suspension of tear gas use during the protest. California Governor Gavin Newsom called for new statewide standards for law enforcement crowd management. And late Friday night, a federal judge in Denver issued an order limiting the use of police chemical weapons against peaceful protesters.

Coronaviruses spread through mucus and saliva droplets during coughing, sneezing, breathing, and talking, so tear gas and other stimulants that suffocate, hack, or strip face masks are viruses. Is said to help the growth of. Dr. Peter Ching Hong, an infectious disease doctor who helped draft the petition.

Gas and pepper spray shed tears, saliva, and mucus from the demonstrators’ eyes and noses, Ching Hong said. “And people scream and yell, propelling these droplets of liquid, which may carry coronaviruses, giving them superpowers and spreading far beyond 6 feet.”

In addition, these chemicals can irritate the nose, mouth, and lungs, causing inflammation and diminishing resistance to infections, he said.

Protesters had their eyes washed after being exposed to tear gas in Minneapolis.

Protesters had their eyes washed after being exposed to tear gas in Minneapolis. Photo: John Minchiro / AP

Experts warn that there is deep concern about the free use of chemicals for protesters across the country. Sven Eric Giotto, professor of anesthesia at Duke University, said: “It was used generously during Ferguson’s protest, and now it’s escalating-and it’s really worrying.”

In Washington DC, park police admitted that peaceful protesters fire a “pepper ball,” a projectile that shoots exciting powder into the air to pave the way for Donald Trump. Photo pose In front of the church near the White House. The reporter has discovered a used canister of oleoresin capsicum (OC) gas that utilizes oil from pepper to stimulate and burn air. In many other cases across the country, the police department used the tear gas compound CS (for 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile). According to Jordt, most research on these chemicals has seen how they affect police and military personnel. Most of them are young men in top health. Little is known about how they affect most other people, including those with underlying illnesses.

According to Jord, CS, Pepperball, and OC Gas are all targeted for non-lethal ammunition, but are designed for modest use in large open spaces. This week in Philadelphia, New York and Washington, police boxed or “kettled” demonstrators before spraying chemicals. “They’re exposing people to much higher levels of these chemicals than they were intended to be. It’s unclear what their health consequences are,” Jord said.

During the 2010 Arab Spring uprising, demonstrators reported lung damage after exposure to high concentrations of tear gas. A small study in Chile and Bahrain related exposure to tear gas miscarriage.

Scientists have not yet studied how tear gas affects the body’s ability to resist Covid-19, but “exposure may make people more vulnerable to the new coronavirus.” That was worrisome and plausible,” Chin Hong told the Guardian.

2014 Investigation Military recruits exposed to CS tear gas were found to be at increased risk of respiratory illnesses such as influenza and pneumonia. “The tear gas that blows on you is like someone smoking in your lungs,” he said. “Like any other pollution, and like any pollution Increase risk Of respiratory diseases. ”

In an open letter, experts urged police not to arrest and detain demonstrators in confined spaces, such as prisons and police vans, where the risk of coronavirus infection is high.

A hostile and brutal attitude to protesters further undermines the trust of the community and seeks to track and track people infected with coronaviruses and alert potentially exposed people. Issues are raised with the authorities. “After these protests, people may be distrusted in providing health officials with the names and addresses of the people they were with if they were worried about their friends being arrested,” he said. Ching Hong said.

Medical professionals are worried about the spread of the coronavirus during large-scale demonstrations, but the letter calls on authorities to “not disband protests in the guise of maintaining public health.”

As an infectious disease specialist, Ching Hong and his colleagues are keenly aware that the coronavirus kills black and brown Americans disproportionately, he said. The same risk of death from a virus is at the highest risk of death by police officers.

“As much as coronaviruses are at risk, racism is an infectious disease. Racism is a public health threat.” “Now, it’s very important to see the right of people to hear.”


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