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Fact Check: Does the Covid Vaccine Affect Women’s Menstruation and Childbirth? | Health

Fact Check: Does the Covid Vaccine Affect Women’s Menstruation and Childbirth? | Health
Fact Check: Does the Covid Vaccine Affect Women’s Menstruation and Childbirth? | Health


Since the deployment of Covid-19 jab, There have been many reports of potential side effects. Most have been ruled out by various studies, but one of the most persistent claims has sparked a lot of controversy online and at home.

Many women have Irregularities were observed in the menstrual cycle After being vaccinated against Covid-19. The observed changes range from heavier or lighter early or late to longer or more painful periods. Some even say they skipped the entire cycle.

Like many other vaccine candidates, the effect of the Covid-19 vaccine on the menstrual cycle is Possible side effects For participants during 2020 clinical trials. The side effects of menstruation are not actively tracked in VAERS, a US-based database that allows vaccine recipients to enter their own possible side effects. By May 2021, only a few (less than 200) self-reported menstrual issues.

New studies show side effects of Covid jab menstruation

Studies published in the journal “Obstetrics and gynecology“Currently, one phenomenon observed by some women after coronavirus vaccination, the change in the length of menstrual bleeding, has been identified.

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Vaccination against Covid-19 was associated with a slight temporary change in the length of the menstrual cycle, according to a study that collected data from about 4,000 users of smartphone apps that track the menstrual cycle. The main finding is that menstruation begins about one day after vaccination than in unvaccinated control women.

The timing of the next period changed on average less than one day during the menstrual cycle in which the shot was administered. When a woman received two vaccinations within one menstrual cycle, an average of two days of change was observed. The changes were categorized to a minimum and the most important were only temporary. Studies have shown that the evaluated Covid-19 vaccination has no further effect on duration.

Limited data on the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine

In this study, we monitored 6 consecutive cycles after getting a jab. However, this study only looked at vaccines manufactured by BioNTech-Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. Women vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine were not included in the study. More than half of the vaccinated people received the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine (55%). 35% received Moderna and 7% received J & J / Janssen.

Therefore, not all Covid-19 vaccines available in different countries are being considered. Another factor to keep in mind: This study looked at only one of the points raised. The study itself leaves questions about other possible changes in the menstrual cycle, such as menstrual symptoms, unplanned bleeding, and changes in the amount of menstrual bleeding.

Different studies show different results

In December 2021, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) stated that no association was established between changes in the menstrual cycle and the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a study by the Norwegian Institute for Public Health (FHI). .. I have been inoculated.

A Norwegian study examined about 6,000 women aged 18 to 30 years regarding their pre- and post-vaccination menstrual cycles and bleeding patterns. The incidence of various menstrual disorders was generally high. After the first dose, 39.4% reported at least one change and after the second dose, 40.9%.

Of the participants, 98.4% were vaccinated with the first dose and 91.8% were vaccinated with the second dose. Of these, 59.4% received BioNTech-Pfizer as the first dose, 35.8% received Moderna, 4.7% received AstraZeneca, and 0.2% received Johnson & Johnson.

At dose 2, 47.4% received BioNTech-Pfizer and 52.6% received Moderna, so only the mRNA vaccine was given. Menstrual changes were reported to the same extent after both mRNA vaccines.

After reviewing the available evidence, the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) said it had decided to request an assessment of all available data.

Menstrual changes are common

According to the EMA, menstrual disorders can be caused by a variety of underlying medical conditions, infections, drugs, hormones, and contraception, as well as uterine and cervical disorders such as endometriosis.

According to both studies, stress and malaise are other common causes of menstrual changes in people of childbearing age and can trigger a variety of triggers.

However, concerns about the possible link between the Covid-19 vaccine and the irregular menstrual cycle can lead to vaccine hesitation.

Mistakes or lack of information can lead to vaccine hesitation

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there was no evidence that the vaccine would cause infertility problems.

In addition, a recent report using the v-safe after vaccination health tracker, a monitoring system designed by the CDC to track the side effects of the Covid vaccine, shows that 4,800 people were tested for pregnancy after receiving the first dose of mRNA Covid-19. Was positive. Vaccine (produced by BioNTech-Pfizer or Moderna).

Another report, using data from eight US medical systems, recorded more than 1,000 people who completed Covid-19 vaccination (including mRNA and other Covid vaccines) before becoming pregnant.




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