Autism shows signs in infants, babies and adults, when to consult a doctor
autism It is a natural symptom and it is often difficult to find signs.
according to NHSAutism means that the way you think and experience the world is different from most people.
This means that you can behave differently than others and have different strengths and difficulties.
for example, autism You may find it difficult to express yourself in a social situation, or you may find it sensitive to light, sound, taste, or touch.
Other characteristics of autism may mean that you are particularly knowledgeable and passionate about the topic of interest.
It is a spectral condition that means there are varying degrees of how it can affect someone’s life.
Tom Parser, Head of Autism Association Volunteers, Guidance and Campaigns, Liverpool echo: “Most people have heard about autism now.
“But too few people understand what autism really is. Not only do they understand how difficult life can be without proper support, but they themselves. Celebrate the different perspectives, passions and skills that children and adults with autism can have.
“I sometimes hear stories of people of all ages who find themselves having autism after being diagnosed by someone close to them.
“This is the result of seeing for myself similar characteristics such as light, sound, and tactile hypersensitivity and hypersensitivity, communication challenges, and high concentration interests. Autism is a spectral state, that is, self. Autism means that everyone is different at different levels. The need for support.
“The problem is that it’s too difficult for people with autism and their families to get the support they need. Some people have to wait years for a diagnosis, while others have to wait a little longer at school for a little help. Some people have to.
“The government’s recent five-year autism strategy for the United Kingdom has promised to address many of these issues, but it is appropriate to make a real difference between people with autism and their families. Need to fund. “
While awareness of autism is increasing, some are unaware of some of the early signs of symptoms, while others are not diagnosed until adulthood.
Paddy McGuinness’ wife Christine was diagnosed with autism at the age of 33 and talked about the relief and difficulties she faced.
Not only did this highlight the condition, but it also highlighted some of the difficulties in recognizing autism in girls and women.
Her three children (Felicity, Leo, Penelope) were all diagnosed with autism, so her three mothers were already known as prominent autism-conscious activists.
Here are some of the signs of autism, According to the NHS:
Autism in infants
- Does not respond to their name
- Avoid eye contact
- Don’t smile when you smile at them
- Very angry if you don’t like a particular taste, smell or sound
- Repetitive movements such as fluttering hands, flicking fingers, and shaking the body
- Don’t talk as much as other kids
- Repeat the same phrase
Autism in older children
- I don’t seem to understand what others are thinking or feeling
- I think it’s hard to say how they feel
- I like strict daily routines and get very angry when it changes
- Have a very strong interest in a particular subject or activity
- Very upset when you ask them to do something
- I find it difficult to make friends or prefer to be alone
- Interpret things very literally-you may not understand phrases such as “break your leg”
Adult autism
- Difficult to understand what others are thinking and feeling
- Very worried about the social situation
- I find it difficult to make friends or prefer to be alone
- Dull, rude, or seemingly uninterested in others
- I think it’s hard to say how you feel
- Interpret things very literally – you may not understand phrases such as irony or “break your leg”
- I have the same routine every day and it makes me very anxious when it changes
- Do not understand social “rules” such as not talking about people
- Avoid eye contact
- Very angry when you get too close to others, or when someone touches or gets too close to you
- Notice details, patterns, smells and sounds not found in others
- Have a very strong interest in a particular subject or activity
- I want to plan things carefully before doing them
Autism in girls and women
Autism can manifest differently in girls and women, and the combination of this and the way girls socialize has many sensations that it means they can better “mask”.
The NHS states: “Autism can be different for women and men.
“For example, a woman with autism may appear to be quiet, hide her emotions, and cope well with social situations.
“This means that if you are a woman, it can be difficult to say that you have autism.”
“If you’re worried about your child’s development, talk to your doctor, or if you or your child may have autism and are looking for information or guidance,” said Tom Parser. Please visit “
World Autism Awareness Week will be held from March 28th to April 3rd. Find out how to attend, including free resources such as school lesson plans, quizzes and posters.
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