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Mental Health Awareness | News


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Journalist Katy Wilborn sat with a therapist and expert in the field of Bradley Dehart to ask a series of questions about schizophrenia and how people in the community can seek help. Schizophrenia is more common in the county than most people are aware of and requires some education so that there can be a compassionate and compassionate community to support the individual in need.

This is what Dehart had to say:

Are there any other conditions that can cause or exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia?

Symptoms of schizophrenia usually occur in the family. If you have a close relative with a disability, such as a parent or sibling, you are more likely to develop it.

Schizophrenia is thought to be caused by several factors, including genetics, heredity, environmental factors, and prenatal environmental exposure.

Factors that can exacerbate or induce symptoms of schizophrenia include extreme stress such as funerals, physical / psychological abuse, loss of home or move to a new home. Substance abuse can also induce or exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

How soon do they start getting better after starting dosing?

On average, people with schizophrenia begin to experience relief of symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions about 4 to 6 weeks after starting medication.

Note that each person reacts very differently to the drug, and there are many other factors that may contribute to a faster or slower response to the drug … and no response. possibility.

How likely is it that the symptoms will stop?

The ability to manage and improve symptoms with medication combined with psychotherapy services and supportive management and education services is usually important. Not everyone responds to treatment in the same way.

Drug and treatment compliance is important for alleviating and managing symptoms. This means that patients should take medication consistently and participate in the outlined treatment plan to achieve the best potential results.

Is it okay to drink alcohol? If so, how much is it?

People with schizophrenia (and / or underlying medical or mental health problems) should be very careful when deciding to drink alcohol. This is because drinking alcohol can make the symptoms of schizophrenia much more difficult to treat. Provider before doing so.

Drinking alcohol in combination with (and potentially without) prescription medications can increase and / or exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

What should I do if an emergency occurs or my symptoms worsen between consultations?

If you are experiencing a mental or physical emergency, call 911 immediately or seek emergency treatment at your local emergency room.

What kind of psychotherapy can help? How can they find a mental health professional for treatment?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and modify destructive or disturbing thought patterns that adversely affect behavior and emotions.

CBT is one of the most common treatment techniques used in treatment to relieve the symptoms of schizophrenia and many other psychiatric disorders.

What other types of services are useful?

There is no “cure” for schizophrenia, but the goal is to alleviate and alleviate the negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia. This includes a combination of treatments, including psychotherapy services, teaching self-management strategies and promoting independence, and incorporating antipsychotic treatments to help patients coordinate their emotional and thinking processes.

What symptoms can be a sign of early warning of schizophrenia?

Symptoms of schizophrenia can vary from person to person. The most common symptoms of schizophrenia patients include, but are not limited to, delusions, hallucinations, chaotic speech, chaotic behaviors, and thought processes.

However, it is very important to remember that a formal diagnosis of schizophrenia needs to be decided by a medical / mental health professional following a comprehensive medical assessment.

If you or your loved one is experiencing symptoms, it is important to contact your medical / mental health provider to guide you to the best course of treatment and diagnosis. Some mental health disorders can share similar signs and symptoms, and there are many factors to consider when providing a formal diagnosis and treatment plan.

What should they tell their friends, family, and colleagues about their condition?

People with schizophrenia should not feel obliged to talk to their friends and loved ones about their condition unless they are reluctant to do so only when they are ready.

Education is important for patients and their support systems. I encourage patients to ask them what they need for their loved ones after telling them. Each person’s needs are unique and unique to their situation.

Is it safe for them to work, drive, or take care of others?

Again, it is very important to discuss and make decisions with the medical and / or mental health professionals who are treating you about these decisions for the work, driving and care of others.

More than 80% of individuals with schizophrenia are unemployed and do not receive full disability benefits, according to multiple research reports. The majority of people employed are currently on long sick leave.

It is important to remember how the term “employed” is defined. There are different types of employment and opportunities, and each person with schizophrenia needs to make informed decisions.

When determining whether it is “safe” for a person with schizophrenia to drive a car, the level of situation and function and / or ability is individual.

It is not uncommon for a healthcare provider to issue a letter certifying a patient’s driving ability. Statements or letters from healthcare providers are not unique to people with schizophrenia, but are needed for individuals experiencing life-changing mental, physical or visual impairments that limit their ability to operate the vehicle. There may be cases. However, the Indiana Automobile Authority provides citizens, medical professionals, and anyone with concerns about the ability of others to drive a car safely, with the opportunity to report concerns and reviews from BMV.

You can submit this report by accessing the following URL:

Are Children at Risk for Schizophrenia? Do you need to check them?

Schizophrenia is very rarely diagnosed in children under the age of 12, as reported by the National Federation of Mental Illness Families (NAMI). Most studies have identified the causes of schizophrenia in genetics and inheritance (6 times more likely to develop or develop schizophrenia if there are close relatives such as parents or disabled siblings), environment (specific). Prenatal exposure to viruses and schizophrenia increases risk), brain chemicals (problems with certain brain chemicals such as neurotransmitters can increase risk) and substance abuse (10) The use of psychoactive drugs in teens and young adults may increase risk factors).

Currently, there is no definitive medical diagnostic test that can determine schizophrenia. However, if the child or teenager has experienced significant changes for more than 6 months, there may be significant withdrawal from friends or family, nervousness, increased delusional or suspicious thoughts, sleep disorders, etc. I have. Be sure to contact your health or mental health provider. For a comprehensive medical evaluation.

How can caregivers prevent burnout?

To prevent burnout, it is important for caregivers and families to be proactive in helping their loved ones manage schizophrenia.

I strongly encourage caregivers to continue to learn and educate about schizophrenia. Education about disabilities helps caregivers become more compassionate and understanding. Ask for Support — Caregivers need to remember that self-care is an important way to reduce “burnout”.

Social media support groups are also a great and convenient way to interact with others who can relate to and empathize with your role as a caregiver.

Has anyone been trained in the medical field in Perry County?

Yes, Perry County has outpatient, mental health and medical care trained to provide at least “generalized” services to people with schizophrenia diagnosis and many other mental health-related concerns and disabilities. There are health professionals.

For those who need more intensive or inpatient care services or hospitalization due to schizophrenia or mental health problems, I’m not sure if it’s currently offered locally, but it’s I don’t think it’s a service in our area at this time-and why many inpatients’ psychiatric services aren’t available, but that’s a long debate I believe.

Tell me about what I don’t think I would ask to be a member of a medically ill community or to help care for a medically ill person.

I would like to encourage people in our community to have as much education and awareness as possible about overall mental health. It’s a modest issue not only in our community, but nationally.

You need to talk consistently about mental health and “normalize” your desire for treatment. You will never suffer in silence due to mental health problems.

For those who are discouraged due to lack of mental health providers or professional services in our area, I tell you this as a mental health provider … you and I are you Share your frustration.

Unfortunately, there are countless complex state and federal barriers (related to networking with insurance, credential acquisition, licensing, etc.) that keep providers like me at the gates of the local community. .. We work every day to break through these barriers, but know that you aren’t forgotten or left to fight alone.


“To find a mental health professional for treatment, I recommend searching online for local services in our area,” De Hart said. DeHart has listed several local providers, including Lifespring Health System, Virtual MD Consulting (an affiliate of Perry County Memorial Hospital), River Valley Behavioral Health in Lewisport, and Umbrella Therapeutic Services, DeHart’s office.

“To find many other mental health providers, I recommend visiting“Dehart said. Those looking for more information on mental health disorders, advocacy activities, support groups, and general education are encouraged to visit the National Mental Illness Family Alliance website.




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