10,211; 863 deaths per week
Florida enters the “spring break season” — and the state continues to see a decline in COVID cases.
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, from 31st to 42nd to 37th: COVID cases are declining, with 10,211 reported deaths in Florida and a newly recorded 863 deaths. This week, the state has risen several places from 42nd to 37th on the list of states where the coronavirus spreads fastest.
This is the fourth consecutive week that Florida has reported less than 100,000 cases in a week. (See below for details)
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Florida reported that there were far fewer cases of coronavirus in the week ending Sunday, adding 10,211 new cases. This is a 26.1% reduction from the previous week’s aggregate of 13,823 new cases of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Florida was ranked 37th among the states in which the coronavirus spreads fastest per capita, a USA TODAY network analysis of Johns Hopkins University data shows. Last week, cases of coronavirus in the United States decreased by 28.3% from the previous week, and 239,094 cases were reported. With 6.45% of the country’s population, Florida had 4.27% of the country’s case last week. Nationwide, seven states had more cases in the most recent week than in the previous week.
Continuous COVID coverage:This is one of the seven digital benefits of a PalmBeach Post subscription.
Data from Johns Hopkins University did not adequately identify the counties of most deaths in mid-March. The state does not publish that data at all.
COVID Cases and Deaths in Florida County
Palm Beach County reported 715 cases and 0 deaths last week. A week ago, it reported 926 cases and zero deaths. Through the pandemic, 366,844 cases and 4,843 deaths have been reported.
Martin County reported minus 3 cases and 0 deaths last week. A week ago, it reported minus 736 cases and zero deaths. Throughout the pandemic, 30,329 cases and 588 deaths have been reported.
Okeechobee County reported 7 cases and 0 deaths last week. A week ago, it reported 39 cases and zero deaths. Through the pandemic, 10,649 cases and 165 deaths have been reported.
Decrease in COVID cases in Florida counties
Throughout Florida, cases declined in 58 counties, with the largest declines:
• Miami-Dade County, 2,121 to 1,661 cases a week ago
• St. Lucie County, 552 to 123
• Orange County, 1,130 to 854
>> See how your community has progressed with recent cases of coronavirus
What is the COVID vaccination rate in Florida?
Florida ranks 19th in the state with at least one vaccination, with 78.3% of its population vaccinated at least partially. The national percentage is 76.7%, as shown by USA TODAY analysis of CDC data. The most used Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the United States should be given twice at intervals of several weeks.
In the week ending Sunday, Florida reported an additional 97,591 vaccinations, including 25,855 initial doses. Last week, the state received 135,375 vaccinations, including 39,771 initial doses. Overall, Florida reported a total dose of 36,326,088 doses.
Where was the worst weekly outbreak in Florida this week?
Within Florida, the worst weekly outbreaks per person were:
• Hamilton County, 173 cases per 100,000 people per week
• 113 Gilchrist County
• 82 Pinellas County
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, high-level community infections start at 100 per 100,000 people per week.
Here’s what we’ve added the newest cases overall:
• Miami-Dade County, 1,661
• Broward County, 989
• Orange County, 854
Weekly cases increased in 9 counties from the previous week. The worst increase from last week’s pace was in Martin, Pineras and Monroe counties.
How many people have died of coronavirus in Florida?
In Florida, 863 people were reported dead from COVID-19 during the week ending Sunday, March 13. The previous week, 1,207 people were reported dead. Data from Johns Hopkins University show that 71,860 people have died of the disease since the pandemic began. In the United States, 967,720 people have died.
How many people in Florida tested positive for the coronavirus?
A total of 5,868,263 people in Florida have been positive for coronavirus since the pandemic began, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. In the United States, 79,523,228 people tested positive.
>> Follow cases of coronavirus throughout the United States
Florida COVID-19 hospitalizations reduced
USA TODAY analyzed federal hospital data as of Sunday, March 13.
COVID patients who may have been hospitalized in the state:
• Last week: 3,101
• Previous week: 3,685
• 4 weeks ago: 7,976
COVID patients who may be hospitalized in Japan:
• Last week: 50,226
• Previous week: 56,780
• 4 weeks ago: 105,668
Hospitals in one state reported more COVID-19 patients than a week ago, while hospitals in two states had more COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit. Hospitals in six states have admitted more COVID-19 patients in the week more recent than last week, a USA TODAY analysis of US health and welfare data shows.
How did Florida behave among the Omicron variants?
Here is a summary of the last three months:
• In the week leading up to March 13, Florida was ranked 37th in the country with the fastest virus spread. The state reported 10,211 new COVID cases. This is a 26.1% decrease from the previous week’s aggregate.
• In the week ending March 6, Florida was ranked 42nd in the country with the fastest virus spread. The state reported 13,823 new COVID cases. This is a 45.8% decrease from the previous week’s aggregate.
• In the week ending February 27, Florida dropped one spot in 31st place in the country with the fastest spread of the virus. The State Department of Health added 25,523 new cases of coronavirus, a decrease of 39.8% from last week’s aggregate.
• In the week ending Sunday, February 20, the state was ranked 32nd on the list, adding 42,373 cases. It decreased by 65.4% from the previous week. The state also reported 1,330 deaths that week.
• In the week ending February 13, Florida returned to the top 10 list and was ranked 8th in the country with the fastest virus spread. The State Department of Health added 122,428 new cases of coronavirus, a decrease of 7% from the previous week. The state has not been on the top 10 list for about a month.
• Florida was ranked 24th across the country when the State Department of Health added 197,768 cases during the week ending February 6. That number was down 30% from last week’s tally.
• In the week ending January 30, Florida was ranked 37th with 131,699 new cases added. This is a 30% decrease from the 282,520 aggregates from the previous week.
• Florida was ranked 37th across the country when the State Department of Health added 282,520 cases during the week ending January 23. That number was down 30.9% from last week’s tally.
• In the week ending January 16, Florida was knocked out of the Top 10 list, ranked 11th, and reported 408,841 cases, down 3.4% from the previous week.
• In the week ending January 9, Florida was ranked fifth, reporting 423,150 cases, an increase of 40% over the previous week.
• In the week ending January 2, the state was ranked fourth when the Florida Department of Health reported 302,179 cases, an increase of 142% over the previous week.
• In the week ending December 26, the state was ranked 9th, reporting 124,865 cases, an increase of 332.9% from the previous week.
• In the week ending December 19, the state reported 28,841 cases of COVID-19-causing virus, an increase of 142% from mid-December.
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The USA TODAY Network publishes a localized version of this story on news sites nationwide, generated using data from Johns Hopkins University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you have any questions about your data or story, please contact Mike Stucka ([email protected]). Follow Stucka on Twitter: @mikestucka
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