Mount data show that the J & J vaccine is as effective as Pfizer and Moderna.
![Mount data show that the J & J vaccine is as effective as Pfizer and Moderna. Mount data show that the J & J vaccine is as effective as Pfizer and Moderna.](
Approximately 17 million Americans received the Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine, which was later said to be the least protected option available in the United States. However, new data suggest that the vaccine now prevents infection, hospitalization and death, at least as well as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.
The reason is not clear and not all experts are convinced that the vaccine has proved itself. However, the accumulated data nevertheless reassures vaccine recipients and, if confirmed, has widespread implications for vaccine deployment in parts of the world.
In Africa, for example, distribution of a single-dose vaccine that can be refrigerated for several months is the most practical option to date.
Johnson & Johnson at least Temporarily shut down The only plant that makes available batches of vaccines.But South Africa-based Aspen Pharmacare Prepare for supply Massive on the rest of the continent. Only about 13 percent Some Africans have been fully vaccinated and only about 1 percent received booster doses.
Linda Galebecker, director of the Desmond Tutu HIV Center at the University of Cape Town, said: Vaccine efficacy in South Africa.
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Attractive options For communities with limited access to healthcare, including parts of the United States, due to ease of delivery and mild side effects. But it made a bumpy journey.
Shots seemed to produce a weaker initial immune response and had more people vaccinated with a single dose vaccine. Breakthrough infectionsRNA vaccine compared to those who received two doses of Pfizer or Moderna.
April, US and South African federal health authorities J. & J has been suspended.vaccination Distribution when they examined rare reports Blood coagulation Women’s disabilities. Both countries quickly resumed deployment, but the vaccine’s reputation did not fully recover.
However, the idea that vaccines are inferior is obsolete, some experts say.
“We are J. & J. A kind of downgrade in people’s hearts,” said Dr. Gale Becker. However, “In the case of a single dose vaccine, it punches beyond its weight.”
Until June last year, cumulative data from the CDC showed that immunization with the Moderna vaccine resulted in the lowest rate of breakthrough infections. Those who won Johnson & Johnson saw the highest rate of Pfizer-BioNTech somewhere in the middle.
The gap during the summer, especially between J. & J. Pfizer — It’s starting to get narrower. All vaccines now seem to work almost equally against coronavirus infections. In fact, Johnson & Johnson seems to be holding up a bit.
As of January 22, unvaccinated individuals were 3.2 times more likely to be infected than those who received a single Johnson & Johnson vaccination, according to the latest data available. They were 2.8 times more likely to be infected than those who were given two doses of Moderna vaccine and 2.4 times more likely than those who were given two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech. Overall, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine appeared to be somewhat more protective against infection than the two options.
Among Americans receiving booster doses, all vaccines appeared to have about the same effect on infection. Booster shots didn’t add much to Johnson & Johnson’s previous level of protection (although the data doesn’t show who received what type of booster shot).
Data is Collected by the CDC From 29 jurisdictions representing 67 percent of the population.
“CDC data is Evidence to show The Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine provides lasting protection against breakthrough infections and hospitalizations, “the company said in a statement.
The survey result is J. & J. Dr. Larry Corey, a vaccine development expert at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, said it was worth exploring the vaccine.
“This vaccine platform may have some surprising features that we didn’t expect,” he said. The data is “interesting and provocative, and you need to spend more time understanding it.”
Dr. Corey said the results came from his experience with HIV research using the adenovirus that forms the backbone of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. “It’s much longer durable than most other platforms I’ve used so far,” he said.
Scientists are just beginning to speculate why vaccine profiles are improving over the months.
Antibody levels surged in the first few weeks after immunization, but then declined rapidly. J. & J. Some studies suggest that vaccines may produce antibodies that decline more slowly than the antibodies produced by other vaccines.Or those antibodies may be More sophisticated Over time, through a biological phenomenon called affinity maturation.
Perhaps some researchers suggest that the vaccine provided stronger protection against Omicron mutants and contributed to a significant increase in infection over the past few months.And the research is vaccine Electric train Other parts of the immune system At least like the other two vaccines.
Not everyone is convinced that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is catching up. Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at Emory University, said that many recipients had an early breakthrough infection and gained additional immunity, so it may only seem to work now. “They may have different immune profiles,” she said.
The prevalence of people who have been vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson but not boosted is currently low. Still, mortality is slightly higher than those vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, Dr. Dean said.
But the difference wasn’t big and disappeared among those who took the booster shots. Dan Barouch, a virologist at the Beth Israel Deacones Medical Center in Boston, who worked with Johnson & Johnson, said that CDC mortality statistics were only available until January 1st, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Said that the advantage of the virus could only be revealed in the February or March data. In the development of vaccines.
“Because many deaths are after long hospital courses,” he said, deaths tend to lag behind infections, often taking weeks or months.
For a clearer comparison of vaccines, Dr. Dean looks at data containing information on individual factors such as previous infections and other high-risk conditions, rather than the age-adjusted overall number provided by the CDC. I said I want to.
“It’s a shame that there is no more direct research on the results among those who received J. & J.,” She said. This is partly due to the fact that fewer people are vaccinated than mRNA vaccines, but “because it depends on the other countries that generate the data,” she said.
Some of that information is from South Africa. In one trial together, Dr. Gail-Bekker and her colleagues evaluated a single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine to approximately 500,000 healthcare professionals and two doses to approximately 240,000 individuals.
In the first part of the study, researchers collated recipients with controls by age, gender, Covid risk factors, socioeconomic status, and previous Covid infections.When the delta mutants were predominant in the country, they were vaccinated Approximately 67 percent effectiveness About 82 percent for hospitalization and for death. The same was true for protection against beta variants.
“Certainly, between beta and delta waves, a single dose worked very well for severe illness and death,” said Dr. Gale Becker.
When the Omicron variant began to prevail in South Africa, researchers provided participants with booster immunity to the same vaccine. Less than half agreed.
“It was an extraordinary pushback,” said Dr. Gale Becker. At that point, there was recognition that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were superior. “There was once again the feeling that we were offering a very second-class option,” she recalled.
Still, the data so far is J. Suggests two doses of & J. The vaccine was about 75 percent effective against hospitalization with the Omicron variant. Comparable to protection From the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Researchers presented their findings last month at a conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections in Denver.
According to experts, the study was only for those who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine twice, but this vaccine would be a good booster for those who received the first two doses of the mRNA vaccine. It suggests that there is a possibility.
But in December the CDC mRNA vaccine recommended Blood clots Guillain-Barré Syndrome.. Authorities found four blood clots per million vaccinated people. The highest incidence of women between the ages of 30 and 39 was about 11 per million.
mRNA vaccines are also associated with rare side effects.They are believed to cause about 11 cases of myocarditisOr heart inflammation, Every 100,000 vaccinated men 16-29 years old.
According to Dr. Dean, more data on different combinations of vaccines may reveal which is the safest and most effective in the long run. With the advent of new variants, she said, some vaccines could have an advantage over others.
“I have a very open mind about what could be the best vaccine therapy in the future,” she said.
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