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What is Deltacron? Is it causing more COVID-19 cases?

What is Deltacron? Is it causing more COVID-19 cases?


Indeed, when I first saw the reference to the coronavirus variant “Deltacron”, I experienced all five stages of sorrow. one more? Thinking about all my friends who had to cancel right away, I thought.

But wait and take a breath before you reach for your phone. If you like more syllables in portmanteau, “deltacron” or “deltamicron”, May Appeared in newsBut so far, it’s more like bark than a bite.

As its unofficial name suggests, it’s combination Peplomers from the Delta and Omicron variants, which are very close to Omicron and the rest of its genome, are derived from Delta. It could have come from someone who had both Delta and Omicron. The virus may have bound inside the infected cells, and then the product may have continued to replicate in the infected person.

Recombination of the virus is expected, especially if the virus becomes infecting a large number of people. However, this phenomenon does not necessarily cause a disaster. In this case, “I don’t think there is any general concern from the public,” said Dr. Ameshua Dalha, an infectious disease doctor and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health and Security Center. “I think” deltacron “is a Clickbait term rather than the actual threat you are facing.We know that the coronavirus recombines [are] It will be a recombinant virus, but there is no evidence that it is spreading rapidly or poses a major threat. “

Recombinant was identified in the sample Collected in January.. GISAID, An international database of coronavirus gene sequences shows that in the months since then, it has been reported only from France, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. (Reuters report France has the highest number of reported cases of Deltacron, for a total of 35 cases. Denmark has the second highest number of hits, eight. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control Is it listed as a variant of interest that has a lower designation than “Variant of Concern”? The World Health Organization And the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Not listed as a variant of interest.

Fusing Delta and Omicron “doesn’t give it supernatural powers,” says Adalja (although research into it is still underway). This name has all the strengths of Delta and Omicron, and sounds like there are no weaknesses. But that’s not really the case. The fact that it’s a combination of what we’ve seen before is actually a good thing. Compared to varieties of its origin, it is less likely to cause more serious illness. Given that spike proteins are very similar to Omicron proteins, “if there is an antibody that works against Omicron spikes, there is no reason not to work against recombinant spikes,” Adalja said. Even if the pesplomer comes from the delta, it has been confirmed, “we know that the vaccine can protect against serious illness.” This also applies to antiviral drugs that act against Delta and Omicron.

It’s understandable that you’re worried about new recombinants or variants — it’s probably Another tricky variant comes At some point in the scene. World wide, Increase in COVID-19 casesWhen Hong Kong We are experiencing a particularly fatal surge. This tendency is Omicron’s sect BA.2, but does not seem to be due to a completely new variant. May be partially responsible The number of cases in Europe is increasing as the regulations are relaxed. The deltacron doesn’t seem to be anything special, but the virus itself is worth your attention.




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