Studies have found that excessive naps can be a sign of dementia
Elderly people who took a nap at least once a day or for an hour or more were more likely than those who didn’t take a nap every day or took a nap for less than an hour a day, according to a study published Thursday for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Also had a 40% chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease: Journal of the Alzheimer’s Disease Association.
“We found that the association between excessive daytime naps and dementia remained after adjusting the quantity and quality of sleep at night,” said co-author. Yue Leng, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, said in a statement.
The new study used data collected over 14 years by the Rush Memory and Aging project. The project tracked more than 1,400 people between the ages of 74 and 88 (mean age 81).
Dr. Richard Isaacson, director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic at Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt University Brain Health Center, said: Of medicine.
“Excessive naps are one of many clues that a person may be on the path to cognitive decline and can lead to face-to-face assessments with the treating physician,” the study said. Isaacson, who was not involved, said.
Increased need for a nap
The quality and quantity of sleep declines with age. This is often due to complications from chronic illnesses such as pain and frequent breaks. Therefore, older people tend to take naps more often than when they are young.
Participants in the current study wore trackers to collect data about their movements for 14 days each year. Long movements from 9 am to 7 pm were not interpreted as a nap.
People may be reading or watching TV, but “we have developed a unique algorithm to define naps and distinguish naps from inactivity. Specific” extended naps “. We didn’t define the length, but we focused more on the cumulative number of nap minutes per day and the change in nap length over the years, “Leng told CNN in an email.
“Further research is needed using validated devices to detect sleep and sedentary behavior,” says Isaacson. “But at the same time, sedentary and long-term immobility are known risk factors for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.
“For whatever reason, falling asleep during the day or taking an excessive nap raises my antenna to focus on whether there is an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive decline,” he said. rice field.
The study found that over 14 years, daytime naps in adults who did not develop cognitive impairment increased by an average of 11 minutes per year. However, with the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, the nap time doubled to a total of 24 minutes a day. People diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease almost tripled their nap time, averaging 68 minutes a day.
The “dramatic increase” in nap length and frequency over the years seems to be a particularly important signal, Len said.
“I don’t think there is enough evidence to draw conclusions about causality. It is the nap itself that caused cognitive aging, but excessive daytime naps are a sign of accelerated aging or the cognitive aging process. It could be, “she said.
What should I do?
If possible, adults should limit their naps to 15-20 minutes before 3 pm to achieve the most resilient benefits from naps and not harm nighttime sleep.
In addition, elderly people and caregivers with Alzheimer’s disease need to pay attention to nap behavior during the day and to be aware of the signs that the number of naps is too high or too high, she said.
Isaacson said a significant increase in nap behavior should be discussed with the doctor.
“I don’t think it’s too late for someone to change a healthy lifestyle in the brain or pay more attention to brain health,” Isaacson said. “Prioritize sleep, pay attention to sleep quality, and talk to your doctor about sleep. These are all important.”
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