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The beautician remained paralyzed from the waist down after the doctor “sent her home with acid reflux disease”

The beautician remained paralyzed from the waist down after the doctor “sent her home with acid reflux disease”


The 26-year-old beautician was diagnosed with life-changing cancer after an A & E doctor dropped her pain into kidney stones and then sent her home. Jody Cox from Telford went to the hospital during a coronavirus pandemic after feeling pain on one side of her back.

The doctor reportedly told her that kidney stones could be the cause, and she was diagnosed with acid reflux disease and went home. When her pain became intolerable, her salon manager returned, but she claims again that she was returned to her home.

Then in January 2021, Jody and her boyfriend Luke Watson made a third trip to the hospital after she struggled to stand steadily.Recall the horrifying trials 28-year-old Luke told Black Country Live : “One night she started to lose sensation in her legs, so I took her to A & E. She was stumbling in the hospital and I had to support her.

“She never returned from A & E. She was transferred to Oswestry Hospital, where a tumor was found in her spine.”

Jodie Cox remains paralyzed from the waist down
Jodie Cox remains paralyzed from the waist down “after the doctor first sent her home for gastroesophageal reflux disease.”
(Image: Jody Cox)

Jody received catastrophic news that she had an aggressive type of osteosarcoma (a type of osteosarcoma). Within 18 hours, she lost all sensations in her legs and was paralyzed from her hips down. The cancer caused incomplete spinal cord injury in T10. Medical personnel also found a small tumor in her lungs.

A 26-year-old woman who loved to walk her mother-in-law’s dog faced the prospect of never being able to walk again. Due to the strict restrictions on the coronavirus, she was alone when she was diagnosed.

Luke gave up his job as a contractor to become Jody’s caregiver and added: She FaceTimed me and my mother to talk about the tumor, but she was rushed to surgery so she didn’t contact me for the rest of the day. It was incredibly difficult.

“She was shocked when she first received the news from the doctor, by the time she said she was a little numb to us. I was distraught and my mother had a panic attack. . “

Jody received intensive chemotherapy after being transferred to a hospital in Manchester, and she is now back there for a second course of treatment. Jody and Luke were looking forward to buying a house together, getting married and starting a family, but she also had to give up her work and her passion for her cosmetology. did.

“Adapting to a paralyzed life was very difficult for Jody. There is more than being unable to walk,” Luke added. “She also suffers from nerve pain, which is probably the worse part of it, she absolutely suffers from the waist down. I feel like her legs are burning and stuck. She now has to rely heavily on me, I had to quit my job to take care of her.

“She is on physiotherapy, helping her independence, bone density, strength and increasing her chances of recovery. She can feel temperature and has recently begun to move her toes, but a doctor. Said she would never walk again. “

A GoFundMe page has been launched for Jodie and his family.Please check this out for details.. Talking from the hospital while receiving treatment, Jody told BlackCountryLive: “I couldn’t get over this without all the support around me, especially from Luke, family and friends. prize.

Jody Cox, 26, and her boyfriend, Luke Watson, 28, gave up the construction industry and became full-time caregivers.
Jody Cox, 26, and her boyfriend, Luke Watson, 28, gave up the construction industry and became full-time caregivers.
(Image: Jody Cox)

“That’s why it keeps you moving the most. When you’re down, they pick you up again. The people around you make the biggest difference. Someone similar. If you’re experiencing that and want to talk to or ask someone a question, I’d like to get in touch with me, which helps you feel like you’re not alone.

“I don’t have to live in a hospital and I’m always looking forward to getting back to normal by living the way I used to, without thinking about getting sick.” You can follow Jodie’s journey by visiting Jodie’s Instagram page...

A spokesperson for the NHS Trust at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital said: This implements a comprehensive and rigorous process. We will always endeavor to address the issues raised through a thorough and thorough investigation of the patient’s treatment concerns. “

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