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“New Public Health Dilemma” – NBC New York

“New Public Health Dilemma” – NBC New York


More than two years after the coronavirus pandemic, millions of patients around the world suffer from prolonged COVID symptoms, but doctors are still looking for treatment answers.

Long COVID, known as the acute sequelae of COVID-19, is a widespread complication after the patient recovers from the initial infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The average duration of COVID-19 infection is between 2 and 14 days, and it is normal to experience continued sequelae after several weeks of the virus.

There are no standardized tests for diagnosing long-distance COVID, but experts say that symptoms can occur months after recovery from the onset of symptoms.

“Most of the focus so far has been on actual infections and prevention of infections, but now there is a new public health dilemma. I argue for a bigger public health dilemma. It’s not the same.” .. Dr. Purvi Parikh of the Allergy & Asthma Network told NBC New York.

Parik is an allergist and immunologist in Midtown, Manhattan. She has seen over 12,000 long COVIDs.

Symptoms of long COVID

Patients suffering from long-distance conditions can experience a variety of problems, including cardiovascular, neurological, and psychological problems. The following are just a few of the reported long-range systems.

  • shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness
  • Palpitations
  • Malaise
  • heat
  • Forgetfulness
  • insomnia
  • Weight loss or increase
  • Loss of taste and / or smell
  • depression
  • anxiety

Dr. Jonathan Shamash of Hackensack University School of Medicine said the patient had some symptoms similar to chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS.

“Patients with long COVID can have a variety of symptoms. Some patients have symptoms similar to those called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). This is currently myopathic encephalomyelitis (ME). ), “Dr. Shammash said. He told NBC New York.

Patients after these COVIDs, similar to those with CFS, often experience severe fatigue exacerbated by activity. One of the common complications shared by long-haul carriers is brain fog. This is defined as a combination of confusion, oblivion, and the inability to focus on the task.

Together with fellow researchers, Parikh analyzed the mechanics around over 100 COVID long-haul carriers. In this study, a persistent fragment of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was found 15 months after infection.

These findings may help scientists better understand what is causing the post-COVID condition. Parik shared with NBC New York how she believes that long COVIDs can be inflamed.

“Our theory or idea may be that these individuals have long-term inflammation. In these 144 people, we found that white blood cells still had fragments of the original virus. Sure, but this may be a clue, “Dr. Parik said.

Who gets Long COVID?

According to the report, more than half of the more than 200 million people diagnosed with COVID-19 worldwide experience post-COVID symptoms. Pennsylvania State Medical University.

This team urges governments and healthcare organizations to prepare for increased psychological and physical care.

A study published earlier this year describes four aspects that can lead to an increased risk of developing long-term COVID.

These factors published by the journal cell Blood levels of coronavirus RNA, presence of autoantibodies, reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus, type 2 diabetes.

“Approximately 10-30% of patients with acute COVID infections can develop long COVIDs,” said Dr. Shammash, who said the numbers are variable but in good range.

In his experience, middle-aged women are more likely to develop long COVIDs because they may be associated with an increased likelihood of developing an inflammatory response or autoimmune disease.

“Honestly, I’ve seen long COVIDs occur at almost every age, so I didn’t see a real trend. Really functionally problematic, such as Navy seals, police officers, and other doctors. They are young and healthy people, “added Dr. .. Parik.

Children also need to be careful when considering the effects of long distances. According to data collected by more than 20 studies from Europe, Asia, Australia and South America, one in four children with COVID-19 symptoms develops long COVID.

According to this, of the more than 80,000 children studied, 25% endure symptoms for up to 12 weeks or fight new complications that appear for more than 3 months. medRxiv report.

This story is part of a series that follows a long COVID expert and patient on a two-year pandemic anniversary.




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