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Kidney: A “correct diet” can provide protection against acute kidney injury.But Keto is not the answer

Kidney: A “correct diet” can provide protection against acute kidney injury.But Keto is not the answer


diet‘Get a whole new meaning when done to restore your health from life-threatening illnesses, not for weight loss. They act as safety valves and prevent the physical system from collapsing. It also functions as a medicine.In the acute case liver Injuries also play an important role, as new research has discovered.

For those who don’t know Acute kidney injury (AKI), also known as acute renal failure (ARF), is basically the outbreak of sudden kidney injury. This episode can occur within hours or days because the accumulation of waste products in the blood makes it difficult for the kidneys to maintain fluid balance in the body.

In a recent study conducted in the department of Internal medicineCECAD Cluster of Excellence in Aging Research, and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) University of Cologne, A research team led by Professor Roman-Ulrich Müller, found that four of six different nutritional strategies prevent acute kidney injury in mouse models. They also identified mechanisms that can protect organs during research.

A study entitled “A systematic analysis of dietary renal protection reveals overlapping changes in cysteine ​​catabolism”
Translational research.

The study tested six diets. The first was a fast imitation diet (FMD), also known as a simulated fast. The second was a ketogenic diet that required high fat intake and reduced carbohydrate consumption. The third stipulates that the intake of branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine, and isoleucine should be reduced. Diets 4 and 5 are diets that are restricted to the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine. Six meals were common calorie-restricted diets that regulated reductions in calorie intake.

After studying these six diets, researchers were able to show that FMD or fast mock diets, sulfur amino acid restriction, and calorie restriction are effective in protecting against kidney damage in animal models. Previously, these four diets have been shown to be capable of prolonging life, and their ingredients are also found in “human medicine.”

“The problem of not having an effective therapeutic approach to acute kidney injury is a problem we encounter every day in the clinic. We are excited about the great positive effects that diet has on animal models,” said Cologne University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine II. Dr. Roman-Ulrich Müller, Senior Physician Professor, said.

Researchers have also identified possible mechanisms of how diet protects against kidney damage.

“The tested approach shows overlapping changes in the oxidative and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) -dependent degradation of the amino acid cysteine, which is a common mechanism of organ protection and for the treatment of acute renal damage. Enables new pharmacological targets for, “said Koehler, lead author of Dr. Felix’s research.
News Medical Life Sciences.

This study is very important because acute kidney injury primarily requires hospitalization and can cause death. After the AKI episode, it also amplifies the possibility of other health problems such as kidney problems, stroke and heart disease. There are not many preventative measures, so a “correct diet” provides a good course of action for people with kidney problems.




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