Engineer develops “magnetic tentacle robot”
University of Leeds Press Release
Embargoed until 22.00 UK time / 17.00 EST on Monday, March 21
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Engineers develop a “magnetic tentacle robot” that enters the thin tubes of the lungs
Engineers and scientists have developed a proof-of-concept for robots that can reach the smallest bronchi of the lungs to take tissue samples and treat cancer.
Known as a magnetic tentacle robot, it is only 2 millimeters in diameter and is about twice the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.
A magnet on the outside of the patient is used to guide the tentacle robot into place.
This device was developed by a team of engineers, scientists and clinicians based in STORM Lab The University of Leeds is pioneering the use of robotic systems to assist in endoscopy and catheterization, where thin tubes are inserted into the body.
Researchers published their findings in the journal Soft robotics..
The proof of concept was based on laboratory tests involving 3D replicas of bronchial trees modeled from anatomical data. The next phase of the study will explore the effectiveness of the device in navigating lungs taken from corpses.
Limitations of existing technology
Doctors are now using an instrument called a bronchoscope to examine the lungs and airways. The procedure involves passing a flexible tubular device about 3.5-4 mm in diameter through the bronchial passages through the nose or mouth.
Due to its size, the bronchoscope can only move to a level above the bronchial tree.
To dig deeper into the lungs, pass a catheter or thin tube (about 2 mm in diameter) through the bronchoscope and then through the smaller tube in the lungs.
However, doctors have limited ways to move the bronchoscope, making it difficult to navigate the instruments and catheters where they are needed.
However, magnetic tentacle robots have been developed to be much easier to operate and use a step-by-step personalized robot guidance system.
Professor Pietro Baldustri, Director storm The laboratory that oversaw the study said: “A magnetic tentacle robot or catheter that is 2 millimeters in size and can magnetically control its shape to match the anatomy of the bronchial tree can reach most areas of the lung and has the potential for lung cancer and other lung diseases. Investigation and treatment.
“Our system uses an autonomous magnetic guidance system, eliminating the need for radiography of the patient during the procedure.”
Innovative technology
To develop a robotic system, the research team had to overcome two major challenges.
First, they had to create a device that was small, flexible, and able to navigate the twists and turns of the bronchial anatomy.
Second, they needed an autonomous system to guide the magnetic tentacle robot into place, eliminating the need for doctors to manually move the instrument into place. This can be technically difficult because patients are often exposed to x-rays. Medical staff.
Small and flexible robot
To reduce the size of the robot while maintaining controllable movement, researchers have manufactured the robot from a series of connected cylindrical segments, each 2 mm in diameter and approximately 80 mm in length. The segments were made of a soft elastomer or rubber-like material impregnated with small magnetic particles.
Due to the presence of magnetic particles, interconnected segments can move somewhat independently under the influence of an external magnetic field. The result is a magnetic tentacle robot that is flexible, shape-shiftable, and small enough to prevent it from getting caught in the anatomy of the lungs.
Guidance system
A magnet attached to the patient’s outer robotic arm guides the device to the lungs in a process tailored to each procedure.
The route through the bronchial tree is planned from a preoperative scan of the patient’s lungs and programmed into a robotic system. As the magnet on the outside of the patient moves, it exerts a force on the magnetic particles within the segment of the catheter, changing the shape and orientation of the magnet. This allows the robot to move from the lungs to the site of the suspicious lesion.
When they arrive at their destination, they use robots to collect tissue samples and treat them.
It may take several years before “magnetic tentacle” technology becomes available in hospitals.
The STORM Lab The University of Leeds is revolutionizing the technology used in endoscopy and catheterization.
They created a prototype of Low cost endoscope -Used for upper gastrointestinal tract investigations-May be used in low and middle income countries where lack of access to expensive equipment is hampering screening programs.
Magnetic technology is also at the center Robotic colonoscopy A patient-friendly system that is easy for staff to operate.
STORM Lab Leeds Cancer Research Center It was released earlier this year.
Note to the editor
Contact David Lewis, the University of Leeds press office, for more information. [email protected] Or +44 (0) 7710013287
Survey method
Case Study
Research target
Not applicable
Article title
Patient-specific magnetic catheter for non-traumatic autonomous endoscopy
Article publication date
March 21, 2022
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