There are no artificial sweeteners, so sweet it is a risk of cancer
Artificial sweeteners instead of real sugar may not be a healthy option, but a French cohort study suggested.
With a median follow-up of 7.8 years, adults considered “high consumers” of artificial sweeteners were reported to be at increased risk of developing cancer compared to non-consumers (HR 1.13, 95% CI 1.03). -1.25), PhD candidate Charlotte Debras reported in a colleague at the Sorbonne Parisor French University, PLoS medicine..
When looking at certain types of artificial sweeteners, aspartame and acesulfame potassium, they were the two criminals who seemed to drive this overall cancer risk.
- Aspartame: HR 1.15 (95% CI 1.03 to 1.28)
- Acesulfame Potassium: HR 1.13 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.26)
Artificial sweeteners generally increase the risk of developing obesity-related cancers, including the endometrium, large intestine, stomach, liver, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, breast (the opposite association is pre- and post-menopausal), and ovaries. Was linked at 13%, and prostate cancer (HR 1.13, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.28). Aspartame is linked to a higher risk than 15% for obesity-related cancers alone (HR 1.15, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.32), and a higher risk than 22% for developing breast cancer (HR 1.22, 95% CI). 1.01 to 1.48).
In a fully tuned model, the risk of all cancers is significantly increased, even at low consumption of these artificial sweeteners, which contain both aspartame and acesulfame potassium individually (HR 1.14, 95% CI 1.05). -1.25).
However, at any level, sucralose consumption was not linked to cancer risk, including site-specific cancers, researchers noted.
“The findings from this study are very original, as far as we know, because previous cohort studies did not directly investigate the association of sweetener intake itself with quantitative artificiality-sweeteners and cancer risk. Distinguishing between different types, “co-authored with Debras Matilde Touvier, also a doctor at the University of Sorbonne Parinol, spoke jointly. Today’s MedPage..
“But these results are our first hypothesis and are consistent with the previous scientific literature,” they added. “Certainly, some observational studies are investigating the association between cancer risk and the consumption of artificially sweetened beverages (used as a proxy) and the artificial sweeteners present in these types of beverages. , Suggesting that it may play a role in development and found an increased risk of cancer. “
The significance of these findings has so far reached, they pointed out, as artificial sweeteners are pervasive in foods and beverages consumed by millions of people every day.
The findings need to be replicated in other large studies, but they “by, in the context of continuous reassessment of sweeteners in food additives, the potential health adverse effects of these additives. Addressing the dispute about is important and provides new information include European Food Safety Authority And other health agencies worldwide, “Debras and Touvier pointed out.
“In line with formal recommendations from some public health authorities, these findings do not support the use of artificial sweeteners as a safe alternative for sugar in foods and beverages,” they said. I added.
Drawing on a collective basis NutriNet, Health Cohort, Researchers evaluated nutritional intake data from French adults (mean age 42), including 24-hour dietary records collected every 6 months. Incident cancer cases at follow-up were also self-reported every 6 months.
A total of 3,358 cancer cases were diagnosed during the follow-up. The mean age at diagnosis was 59.5, and the most common types of cancer were obesity-related (2023), breast cancer (982), and prostate (403).
Overall, artificial sweeteners were consumed by a cohort of only 36.9%-followed by the most common with aspartame (58% of all consumption), acesulfame potassium (29%), and sucralose (10%). The most popular foods that drove artificial sweetener consumption were additive-free sugars, tabletop sweeteners, yogurt, and cottage cheese and soft drinks.
The cutoff between “high consumer” and “low consumption” was sex-specific: 17.44 mg / day for men, 19.00 mg / day for women and 14.45 mg for men for total artificial sweeteners. 15.39 mg / day for women and 5.06 mg / day for women and aspartame, 5.50 mg / day for men and women for acesulfame potassium, 3.46 mg / day for men and 3.43 mg / day for women for sucralose. Day.
Fewer people consume artificial sweeteners, physically active women, younger, smokers, more educated, and more likely to have epidemic diabetes compared to those who avoid artificial sweeteners I tended to be.
NutriNet Sante’s research, Sante Public France, has several public institutions, including the Ministère de la Sante, the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. If supported by the National Conservatory of Music, De Saar, profession, Sorbonne Parinor University.
One co-author reported a link to the facts of open food. No other disclosures were reported.
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