Zimbabwe renews COVID vaccination drive for school children

Zimbabwe has launched a new COVID-19 vaccination campaign that includes jabbing children over the age of 12 to save a drive that is upset due to vaccine hesitation and self-satisfaction.
Harare, Zimbabwe-Zimbabwe has launched a new COVID-19 vaccination campaign that includes jabing children over the age of 12 to save a drive that is upset due to vaccine hesitation and self-satisfaction.
This week, schools in southern Africa have become vaccination zones lined with children in uniform to receive injections.
Many parents say they support the promotion of vaccination to prevent schools from becoming the center of infection, but other parents remain skeptical.
“Let them vaccinate, it will save us a lot of trouble. Maybe it will stop the constant closure of the school … online lessons will exhaust us every time the school is closed. “Helen Dube, a parent walking to a school in the crowded town of Chitungwiza, said her 12-year-old daughter. 19 miles) Southeast of the capital Harare.
“Furthermore, if the school is safe, we are safe at home,” she said, referring to cases where schools became the center of viral infections.
Zimbabwe is gradually returning to its normal school calendar after a two-year intermittent, sometimes long-term closure, due to a wave of COVID-19 cases.
Adults are also eligible for a vaccination campaign that runs until mid-May, according to the country’s vice president, Konstantino Chiwenga. health Minister.
Zimababue was one of the first African countries to provide a shot of COVID-19 vaccinationAchieve higher rates than many of the continents.
About 23% of Zimbabwe’s 15 million people receive two jabs, most of them China’s Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines, well below the government’s initial target of 60% by the end of 2021. .. We are targeting 70% of the eligible population by the end of July.
According to official figures, just over 5,400 people die from COVID-19 in Zimbabwe, but the casualties could be much higher due to undiagnosed or reported cases. .. health Expert.
The government has stated that there are sufficient vaccine doses, including booster jabs, but the reduction in cases and deaths has slowed intake in recent months. According to government statistics, over 8 million doses are used out of over 22 million inventories.
After experiencing difficulties in getting a sufficient supply of vaccines, many African countries are now making coordinated efforts to use shooting as a weapon.
Kenya, Congo, Ethiopia and Nigeria have also launched mass vaccination campaigns.
Cases of COVID-19 have declined across the continent since the peak of the fourth wave by Omicron in early January 2022, but vaccination coverage in Africa is far behind the rest of the world. I’m taking it. According to the World Health Organization, about 201 million people, or 15.6% of Africa’s 1.3 billion population, are fully vaccinated, compared to the world average of 57%.
“This progress is welcome, but to reach the goal of vaccination of 70% of the population by June 2022, the pace of vaccination across the continent needs to be nine times faster,” WHO said. Matshidiso Moeti, Director of the African Region, said. Month.
According to a WHO statement, WHO plans to support mass vaccination in Africa “in at least 10 priority countries to reach 100 million by the end of April.”
According to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 11.3 million cases have been recorded, including more than 250,000 deaths, in 54 African countries combined.
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